Thank you Jonathan for this preliminary data.

I agree with some of the comments and observations Gary offered in reply.  
Speaking for ASU, I know that what we do currently is not necessary what we 
would/will do under different pricing/hosting/license terms conditions.

So I think this data is at best a snapshot, and all numbers in all categories 
will change dramatically over the next year/s.

Pace University conducted a survey along these lines this year as well.  I have 
seen no results from this survey yet.  Mark Notess from Indiana University has 
also conducted a survey of academic library streaming practices.  The results 
of that survey will be presented at the EDUCAUSE conference in October.

It will be interesting to see how Notess' data compares to yours.


deg farrelly, Full Librarian
Arizona State University
PO Box 37100
Phoenix, Arizona  85069-7100
Phone:  602.543.8522

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 15:04:04 -0700
To: <>
Subject: videolib Digest, Vol 33, Issue 64

Dear videlib universe

As some of you noticed we recently did a survey asking some questions of our
customers (hopefully you all ARE customers!) and some of the answers might
be interesting.

So far we received 76 responses.

Of these:

1) 60% of you do NOT license streaming or download rights (40% do)

2) of those 82% license rights for more than one semester (one year term or

3) so that is .82 x .40 = just 33% of you (?) license rights (for a year or

4) additionally, when you do license rights, 59% is from the distributor's
web site, and 41% from your own or a local server.

5) broken down further:

Of the 59% who do license rights from the distributor's web site, 12% do so
"as needed" for a semester or one class, and 88% do so for a year or more

Which, if my math and logic is correct(dicey) - that means that

Only 59% of 82% of 40% of you a) license rights for a year or more AND b)
access the digital files from the distributor's web site.

Which is (Drum roll): only 19% of you actually need us to make available
this sort of service?

Interesting (?) results # 2:

We asked what percentage of your media usage and expenditure is for
online/streaming, vs. DVD purchases.

Re usage:

85% of you said 20% or LESS
74% said 90% or MORE (44% said 100%!)

Re expenditures:

81% said 20% or Less
78% said 90% or More

I know it is a small and non-scientific sample. Maybe we should pretend it
never happened. But - any thoughts on this?




Jonathan Miller
Icarus Films
32 Court Street, 21st Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201 USA

tel 1.718.488.8900
fax 1.718.488.8642

VIDEOLIB is intended to encourage the broad and lively discussion of issues 
relating to the selection, evaluation, acquisition,bibliographic control, 
preservation, and use of current and evolving video formats in libraries and 
related institutions. It is hoped that the list will serve as an effective 
working tool for video librarians, as well as a channel of communication 
between libraries,educational institutions, and video producers and 

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