] Re: Why re-entrant tuning?

> Dear Monica
> As I understand this CS2 is from the late 17th c. It is hard to tell
if -and
> how- the mutual influence from cittern and guitar has worked out. It
> certainly could be a subject where we guitarists could learn some.

It would be difficult to date.  The repertoire is the usual Spanish stuff
with some Castilian cifras.    And incidentally the instrument is tuned to
the usual cittern pitch with e' for the top course.  It is not a
mini-Mexican cittern as one misguided person claims!
> >> I wanted to ask you if you played your wire string guitar with a
> plecturm?
> My battente is strung very lightly and is well 'strummable' with the
> fingers. A Cd is going to be released a few weeks from now, on which I use
> this instrument (by Sebastian Nunez) for song-accompaniment. Venetian
> (1620-1640) and some Foscarini (on the Chitarra Spagnuola, of course).

This is what I have been waiting for all these years!  I was listening to
your Daza/Marin last night.
> >
> > I don't think that campanellas are really an issue here.  It seems to be
> > common mis-conception re-entrant tunings have something to do with
> > campanellas.
> I could not agree more. A whole generation of scholars and players have
> following the wrong star.

Not me sir.  I always read the small print.


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