On 7/7/06, Sean Reifschneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 06:47:55PM +0200, Nikolai Weibull wrote:
>OK, so here's what you do:
>>>:map <MiddleMouse> :set paste<cr>"*p:set nopaste<cr>
> :inoremap <C-o>set paste<Cr><C-r>*<C-o>set nopaste<Cr>

That doesn't seem to do the job.  I'm not quite sure what you're trying to
accomplish here, so I can't tell where it's going wrong.

There should be a <MiddleMouse> in the second line as well, of course.
Anyway, how about

 set mouse=a ttymouse=xterm

?  That certainly does something on my terminal.  I can't get it to
work correctly in insert mode for some reason, but I really don't care
so I'm leaving it at this.


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