On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 01:43:46AM +0300, Yakov Lerner wrote:
>empty based on the size of typeahead buffer. I don't want to
>disappoint you. But I believe there is no possibility to automatically
>do something based on number of character in the input buffer.

It's certainly doable to detect that more than N characters have been
"typed" in insert mode in the last M milliseconds though, even if you don't
have access to the input buffer.  Or am I missing something?

In fact, it looks like this is already implemented for "timeout" and
"timeoutlen", but in that case it's for mapped keys.

>It would probably be useful to tell vim to react only to
>MiddleMouse and ignore all other mouse events. This might be

Interesting idea.  I'll have to play with it, but I suspect that it'll
still suffer from "pasted data comes from another dimension".  This latter
problem may be because of a lacking build option in the Fedora build.

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Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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