On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 07:34:12AM +0200, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
>> and that's a workable solution.  It's still annoying how clicking and
>> selecting text causes vim to move my cursor around and requires me to
>> press escape when I'm done selecting.
>maybe you could read :he mouse then (and really do it that time).

I've read the help for mouse, selection, and all related things I could
find for hours over several weeks.  This isn't something that I've just
immediately said "Hey, someone else can fix it for me", I've spent probably
8 hours over the last month farting around with trying different things,
reading the available documentation, searching on google and the vim site,
before I ever posted on this list.

If you'd have read this thread nearly as carefully as you are expecting me
to have read the documentation, you would know that:

   The available settings in vim aren't cutting it for me.

   Yes there are workarounds, none idea, few acceptable, but my original
   point was...

   A new feature in vim would make it work extremely well, using the stock
   packages as built in Fedora Core and Ubuntu (neither builds --with-x=yes
   in the non-gvim version).

I never wanted anyone to help me with fixing it.  That's why I posted on
the dev list, not the users list.  I wanted to register and hopefully
discuss a feature request idea.  So far, nothing has been said that
invalidates the original feature request, the mouse in vim still acts
differently under an xterm than under non-vim applications.

>it's a pain because you're not used to it, but (1) it works like that in 
>every terminal-mouse-aware application

That's the saving grace is that if I get used to shift left drag to select,
it works in other applications.  If it didn't, and I had to spend cycles on
whether I'm in vim or not to do a selection, I would probably just live
with :set paste in vim when I need to do a paste.  Converting over to
shift-left drag is doable.

Still, it would be ideal if it just did what all the other applications do
in an xterm.

>and (2) you can disable mouse in vim if you don't like it.

Obviously.  Then I lose the goodness of pastes being handled properly, but
I've lived with it that way for 20 years, I can probably continue to do so.

>hence the read the damn manual thing:

You absolutely misunderstood what I said.  Read the damn reply.  :-)  I
know that pastetoggle can be used to map F4 to toggle paste.  That's why I
said I'm not much of a keymapping person and explained that I'd rather type
":set paste", than hunt around for F4.  I can use my mouse to paste while
remaining on home row, but F4 breaks my flow more.

>u<f4>i<shift-inser><f4> again. if that's not a shortcut, then bit me.

Consider yourself bitten.  :-P

Again, I'm not looking for a shortcut, I have a way that it could just
work, but no time to implement it.

BTW: The problem with your shortcut above is that it assumes that I didn't
type anything in insert mode other than pasting the text.  Often, my
pattern is that I type out some stuff, then have something to paste, and
undo may do significantly more than just the paste.

Is it possible for us to go back to that original discussion, about setting
paste in non-X mode, and avoid the misplaced winging about RTFM?  I
understand it can be frustrating when you think someone has not read the
basic documentation, but in this case that is absolutely wrong.
Admittedly, I don't know that I'd read about pastetoggle until I saw your
original suggestion, but if I haven't read the documentation enough then
the documentation is _BROKEN_.

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