On 4/9/06, Stahlman Family <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >
> > Oh, at least developers should know about regular expressions.
> How about developers who don't know about tags? Most of the developers in my 
> software lab use CodeWright for development, and
> although I'm pretty sure it supports tags, they do multiple greps to descend 
> through multiple levels of function call or macro
> expansion! The company strongly encourages the use of CodeWright by 
> developers, as they have an army of developers in Romania who
> have integrated CodeWright into what they call the "Toolset," a behemoth 
> program or suite of programs, which is supposed to insulate

That is the company policy which the department applies blindly in
fear not to have unreplaceable persons

> the developer from messy things like makefiles, compilers and linkers.

A good tool is always an asset, but a bad tool is not. I'll let you
judge which thinhg are good and which are bad :)

> They also attempt to restrict programmers to a very
> uninteresting subset of the C programming language, in an attempt to decrease 
> the likelihood of programmer error. I find such rules
> extremely restrictive and annoying. I believe the problem is that there are 
> many people whose job description calls for software
> development, who are not really programmers. Thus, the job is dumbed-down to 
> accomodate the least common denominator...

Again the "we can replace anybody" policy at work... believe me.

P.S.: youdidn't said anything about the SCM, which repeatedly is used
badly because not enough time for training is available ;-)

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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