"A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Well, if you get no enlightenment from running Vim with the "-D"
> switch then using "s" repeatedly at the ">" prompt to step through all
> lines of all scripts that get run during startup, then you might try
> ":verbose hi groupname" where "groupname" is the name of the highlight
> group that shows up purple instead of whatever you believe it ought to
> be.

Thanks again.  If you've seen my last report post I find commenting
out this line:
   hi StatusLine term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=99 ctermbg=8
in an `if &background == "dark"' if/else statement makes vim come up
with the StatusLine color I expect. (Full code follows my message)

What is confusing here as far as understanding why this is so:

With that line commented `verbose hi StatusLine' shows:
With line Commented:
StatusLine xxx term=bold,reverse cterm=bold,reverse gui=bold guifg=White

And vim looks like I want it to.  Now the confusing part:
With test line uncommented:
StatusLine xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=99 ctermbg=8 gui=bold
               guifg=White guibg=Black

Here I now have a purple StatusLine that obscures the line number and
position info.


Now if I re-source `:so ~/.vimrc' from my running vim, that purple
StatusLine disappears and is now a beige color where the line number
and position can be seen.

So I'd expect :verbose hi StatusLine to show something different now.
But it doesn't:

Re-sourced after start when test line is uncommented at start:
StatusLine xxx term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=99 ctermbg=8 gui=bold
               guifg=White guibg=Black
        Last set from ~/.vimrc

Full code. Test line has 2 asterisks :
set background=dark
if &background == "dark" 
   hi StatusLineNC term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=7  ctermbg=0
   " # [HP 07/08/03 21:18  Using 99 means it uses default font color]
**   hi StatusLine term=reverse cterm=reverse ctermfg=99 ctermbg=8
   hi Comment  term=bold        ctermfg=grey
   hi Constant term=underline  ctermfg=Magenta  guifg=Magenta
   hi Special  term=bold   ctermfg=white   guifg=Red
   hi Identifier term=underline  cterm=bold   ctermfg=Cyan guifg=#40ffff
   hi Statement term=bold              ctermfg=Yellow gui=bold guifg=#aa4444
   hi PreProc  term=underline   ctermfg=grey     guifg=#ff80ff
   hi Type     term=underline   ctermfg=LightGreen    guifg=#60ff60 gui=bold
   hi Function term=bold               ctermfg=White guifg=LightRed
   hi Repeat   term=underline   ctermfg=White          guifg=LightRed
   hi Operator                         ctermfg=Red            guifg=Red
   hi Ignore                           ctermfg=black           guifg=bg
   hi Comment  term=bold ctermfg=DarkBlue guifg=Blue 
   hi Constant term=underline ctermfg=DarkRed guifg=Magenta
   hi Special  term=bold ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=SlateBlue
   hi Identifier term=underline ctermfg=DarkCyan guifg=DarkCyan
   hi Statement term=bold ctermfg=Brown gui=bold guifg=Brown
   hi PreProc  term=underline ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=Purple
   hi Type     term=underline ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold
   hi Ignore   ctermfg=white guifg=bg

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