On Mon, Jul 24, 2006 at 09:02:34AM EDT, Russell Bateman wrote:
> As you say, warning: off-topic post. Read at your own risk.

.. don't see this as OT.. Being lazy I skipped the ".. in Vim" in the
> This discussion underlines all the more strongly why I don't attempt to 
> produce final documents using vim: I sometimes use an actual word 
> processor like Open Office Writer, but mostly I write in HTML and, of 
> course, the best HTML editor on the planet is...

Maybe I should dump LaTeX and use HTML.. I printed some of the
TeX-gen'd stuff and it just looks too "beautiful".. I end up with
correspondence that looks more like pages torn out of an expensive
> ...vim!
agreed.. natch'..

> Russ
> P.S. Yes, typing é , œ and ü is painful, but I'm one 
> of those perfectionists who would have used half-spacing back in the old 
> days if I had been in need of such things. My father used a non-electric 
> typewriter, but I was 19 before I moved to France from the US and needed 
> what wasn't on the keyboard. After coming back at 25 (some 26+ years ago 
> now), I never lost the need to communicate and product documents of with 
> accents, digraphs, etc. 

yes.. have a feeling only the folks at the  "Académie Française" and
enlightened foreigners are really concerned about this these days.. I'm
sure the French don't take notice or give a damn whether you write
"laetitia" or "lætitia".. 

Hope you get my accents.. cedillas.. and "e dans l'a" above..

> in fact, I added the need to compose classical 
> Greek texts while in France, but that's a whole other mess.



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