* autocomplete - say that I've declared a constant variable in Perl
named MY_CONSTANT, later, to have the editor fill it in, I type in
MY_, and some other key-stroke, and "CONSTANT" gets typed in for you


* goto when compiling - when compiling with make for example, and
there is a problem in the code identified by a line, can vim somehow
know to go to that line?  this would be especially useful with 'make'

:he makeprg
:he quickfix
:he :cn

* rectangular cut/pastes - if I have a column (multi-row) of text
that I'd like to paste on several lines, can I do this without a regex?

:he ctrl-v (visual block select)

* cvs/diff mode - what support does vim offer for these two apps,
internal to the editor.

:he vimdiff
Search vim.sf.net for cvscommand.vim

I'll be glad to RTFM for all of these things, however I don't know
where to look them up - any pointers would be appreciated!

:he :help

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