On 8/3/06, Lev Lvovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently started work at a company where the predominant text
editor happens to be emacs.  I've been using vim for a while now,
though only recently started getting into the more advanced
functionality beyond simple editing (highlighting, folding, tags
etc...).  Watching one of my co-workers with emacs is pretty fun, as
he does things fairly quickly - I asked him what his most common
emacs actions were, to see how I could do them in vim:

* autocomplete - say that I've declared a constant variable in Perl
named MY_CONSTANT, later, to have the editor fill it in, I type in
MY_, and some other key-stroke, and "CONSTANT" gets typed in for you

:help ins-completion

* goto when compiling - when compiling with make for example, and
there is a problem in the code identified by a line, can vim somehow
know to go to that line?  this would be especially useful with 'make'

:help quickfix

* rectangular cut/pastes - if I have a column (multi-row) of text
that I'd like to paste on several lines, can I do this without a regex?

:help visual-use
:help visual-block

* ctags variable name references - assuming I'm using ctags, how can
I replace the name of a variable throughout my code base?

I don't know.   However,
:help tags
can give you enough information to automate this to your taste.

* regional undo - can I select a region, and perform an undo for all
of the changes only in that region?

I don't know.  This is a neat idea, though.

* cvs/diff mode - what support does vim offer for these two apps,
internal to the editor.

:help diff

There are several available plugins that provide integration.  In
general, you can find plugins at http://vim.sf.net .

(obnoxious plug:  You can get my cvs integration plugin at
http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=90 .  Shortly
you'll be able to get a new version for VIM 7 that includes subversion
integration as well).

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