- Is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-yet-not-saved-lines (possibly with yellow background), so that
I could easily locate and check those changes and decide whether to
save it or not.

I've done something like this in the past that is roughly like:

        :below vert new
        :r #
        :set nomodified

which brings the new version and old version into Vim's diffing abilities...I suppose this could be mapped to make it a one-shot. (the "set nomodified" should prevent Vim from griping when you try to close the window containing the contents read from the disk)

  - Furthermore, is there plugin that could highlight the
changed-and-saved-lines in a vim session in the file (possibly with
green background), so that I could easily audit all changes of a file
in a vim edit session.

Can't say I've heard of anything like this, but I too have seen something like it in other editors (a red-line in the margin for changes...displayed as another color after the file has been saved so you can still track the original file, and discern what changes have or haven't been saved). A handy feature to be sure...as long as it can be turned off. :)


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