Peter Michaux wrote:
Hi Tony,

Thanks for all the info.

On 2/26/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If vim does have the concept of a project can I do a project wide
> search or search and replace in my project? I find this essential for
> refactoring and cleaning up code when I realize what I should have
> called a variable.

Maybe not as such, but it is easy to implement, almost trivial. Just make a
distinct directory tree for each project. Then it is very easy to search
and/or replace in all subdirectories of the "project" directory: for instance,

        :args ./**/*.[ch]
        :argdo 1,$s/\<ThisVariable\>/thisVariable/g |update

replaces ThisVariable by thisVariable (but only as a separate word) in all *.c and *.h files in the current directory and all its subdirectories to (IIUC) a
depth of 100 levels.

That doesn't seem almost trivial to me ;) I could live with that if
needed however.

My projects do always have a distinct directory tree.

Would there be a way to review all the found instances in a single
screen and then link to the real instance in the source? I find this
feature in Textmate so incredibly useful it might be the one thing
that keeps me with Textmate. I really want to be able to work with vim
modes however.

Yes, using the :vimgrep command (Vim 7 and some versions of Vim 6) or the external "grep" command (earlier versions):

        :vimgrep /pattern/g ./**/*.[ch] " search the list of files
                                        " for the /pattern/
        :copen                          " open quickfix window

The second command above splits the Vim screen horizontally, with at bottom a window containing one line per match. Hit <Enter> on any line and the corresponding file is opened above the quickfix window, with the cursor on the corresponding match. Or use the commands


to navigate the list of matches, with or without opening the quickfix window. When done, use


(regardless of which window is current at the time) to close the quickfix 

I don't know Textmate. Vim beats hands down any other GUI editor /I/ know, but
I guess they aren't the same as those you're accustomed to.

It seems Textmate is the one GUI that I keep hearing is winning over
long-time vi and emacs users.

Thanks again.


Best regards,
Murphy's Law of Research:
        Enough research will tend to support your theory.

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