Thanks for the clarification Brett.  At least if you have external commands you 
use regularly though, you could wrap them in a vim function, thereby making 
them effectively internal, making g< useful.

Just an update - I promised I'd investigate extending my "patch" to help those 
people who complained about losing their commands if they pressed one too many 
I tried the most obvious approach, and whilst it sort of worked, there was some 
unhandled complexity to do with reverting to "more-prompt" mode which I 
couldn't easily work out.  
I think it was because vim thought we had alreday exited "more-prompt" mode, 
when in fact we shouldn't have (so you couldn't scroll back up when you reached 
the end).
Since this g< command works somewhat (or can be made to work by using a wrapper 
function for external commands), I think I might give up on this and just be 
satisfied with the simpler "q exits the Press Enter prompt" change.


On Wednesday 21 March 2007 23:55, Stahlman Family wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jean-Rene David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:56 AM
> Subject: Re: Consistently exit "message display" with 'q'?
> >* Bram Moolenaar [2007.03.20 11:45]:
> >> > How many times did I repeat a command just because
> >> > I had pressed <Space> one time too many...
> >>
> >> You can type "g<" to go back to the messages.
> >
> > Thanks! Didn't know about that.
> >
> > Reading the help, this only brings back the last
> > viewed page of messages though. Not quite the same
> > thing as bringing up the complete output of the
> > last command.
> Also note that it works only for internal commands. The original post gave 
> both an internal (set) and external (!ls) command in his 
> example...
> Brett Stahlman
> >
> > -- 
> > JR
> > 

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