I would like to concur with some that it is strange that the "d"/"u"
keys work for scrolling when the "Press ENTER or type command to
continue" message comes up; however, the "q" key does not just exit the
prompt, but also begins recording a macro.

I feel that "q" should only exit (and not record a macro). So, the user
would be able to hold down "d" to get to the bottom of the message, and
then press "q" to exit it, just like with the "less" program.


On Thu, Mar 22, 2007 at 01:36:20PM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> John Orr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ???? 2007-03-22 12:43:51:
> > Thanks for the clarification Brett.  At least if you have external
> > commands you use regularly though, you could wrap them in a vim
> > function, thereby making them effectively internal, making g< useful.
> >
> > Just an update - I promised I'd investigate extending my "patch" to
> > help those people who complained about losing their commands if they
> > pressed one too many keys.
> > I tried the most obvious approach, and whilst it sort of worked,
> > there was some unhandled complexity to do with reverting to "more-
> > prompt" mode which I couldn't easily work out.
> > I think it was because vim thought we had alreday exited "more-
> > prompt" mode, when in fact we shouldn't have (so you couldn't scroll
> > back up when you reached the end).
> > Since this g< command works somewhat (or can be made to work by
> > using a wrapper function for external commands), I think I might
> > give up on this and just be satisfied with the simpler "q exits the
> > Press Enter prompt" change.
> > Cheers,
> > John
> Just done some experiment, if I use j/k or <up>/<down> to scroll within the
> "more-prompt" the message will never quit. Seems good but not quite useful
> to me since I always use "f"/"b" or <pgdn>/<pgup> to view the message.
> So the only issue is the lack of "f"/"b" or <PgDn><PgUp> support for the
> "more-prompt" and "hit-enter-prompt". key "f" and "b" is the standard
> page-scrolling key for less and more, it seems strange that the
> "more-prompt" and "hit-enter-prompt" do not have support the "f" and "b"
> key.
> Let's hope it will be available in future versions.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Pan, Shi Zhu

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