Jagpreet wrote:
Thanks for your quick reply.

Well I'm not using any X-server nor do I intend to.

I see you're on Windows so that's understandable. Nevertheless, if you try to run a Cygwin version of Vim compiled with X support, it will try to connect to an X server, and wait for a timeout before deciding that it can't find it. Try

        :echo has('x11')

(in Vim). If the answer is nonzero, then your Vim is compiled with X11 support, and adding -X on the command-line will avoid the timeout by telling Vim that it shouldn't check for an X11 server, but instead assume that it hasn't got one.

  I just find that I logon to server with SSH instead of telnet(as server
doesn't support this).

All I want to use vim in consol mode because it works very fast, and is
working on other server with the same settings.
After the file gets open it works as expected but its very long time it
takes to open the file.

So far as display settings are concerned I have that in .bashrc file and I'm
exporting DISPLAY variable anyways. I tried the same with without setting
that as well but result is the same.

Not sure whats happening.

Another possibility would be a slow connection and/or a busy network; but I suppose you have checked for that eventuality?

Best regards,
Top scientists agree that with the present rate of consumption, the
earth's supply of gravity will be exhausted before the 24th century.
As man struggles to discover cheaper alternatives, we need your help.

                        CONSERVE GRAVITY

Follow these simple suggestions:

(1)  Walk with a light step.  Carry helium balloons if possible.
(2)  Use tape, magnets, or glue instead of paperweights.
(3)  Give up skiing and skydiving for more horizontal sports like
(4)  Avoid showers .. take baths instead.
(5)  Don't hang all your clothes in the closet ... Keep them in one big
(6)  Stop flipping pancakes

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