
If you want to discuss the performance, can you please start the topic
on alt.comp.lang.c or something like that?  Just let me know the
thread  and I will be happy to join the discussion.  Your result is
interesting in that cygwin/c can beat vc. As generally the binary
compiled with cygwin are slower.  By optimizing the compiler, did you
optimize the code size or the speed?  In modern CPU, code size can
affect the CPU cache.  For my personal tastes (again, chuckle), I
normally prefer the compiler from the OS vendors.  Can you please
publish the result  so we can share it and discuss the truth about
your benchmark?  I think the result should be made to many ACM/IEEE
papers as it is really encouraging for GNU peopel.  I still don't see
how you can say benchmark is easy.  I know the C99 has many new syntax
that eventually avoid a few problems mentioned in the famous book "C
Traps and Pitfalls".  I cannot wait to use C99 myself.   But for now,
I rather stay with C++, Java, or C#.

As for the fonts, if the rendering engine of ClearType was "ported" to
Linux, is it legally done?  As a professional software engineer, I do
not think infringing a patent is even ethical.  I saw some screenshots
from some of my friends about the "ClearType" rendering on the Linux.
It is "close" only if you don't care about the details.  And I
remember one has to patch the X-Windows library to take the advantage
because of the patent issue.  I wish someday Linux can compete with
Windows and Mac OSX on all front with their true innovation.  It is
again my personal taste to prefer fonts on Windows than Linux.  But I
am sure many people have the same feeling.  And I also know some
people don't care about fonts at all.

So I won't argue any more about the compiler issue.  If you want to
use the mingw compiled Vim, please go ahead with cream project.  Or
you have a choice to use my compilation.  More options are sure better
for the users.

"Zhichao Hong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-22 22:55:47:
> If the topic is about fonts, I would like to make some comment.  The
> Bitstream Vera Sans Mono looks ugly with subpixel hints.  You can say
> the same thing about Consolas.  But if the hinting are turned on and
> compared on the Windows, Consolas beats the BVSM easily.  Just try to
> compare the zero character.  There is only one size in BVSM looks sort
> of O.K..  It might be my personal taste again.  But I think one thing
> Microsoft did well in the Vista is about fonts.  I use YaHei for
> Chinese and Segoe UI or calibri for English.  I don't read Chinese a
> lot (only some websites).  So Chinese fonts poor rendering in Linux
> don't bother me a lot.
> In Linux, I use blackblox or windowsmaker.  The KDE or GNOME don't
> attract me in general.  I know about tuning the fonts in Ubuntu and
> RedHat.  I still think in Linux the Terminus bitmap font beats every
> true type fonts.

First I must say your work is welcome and your work might be useful for
many people.

However, the font-rendering engine has nothing to do with the fonts-itself.
I agree that Microsoft's ClearType is better but Linux is now closing the

If you like Microsoft's "ClearType" to do the sub-pixel hinting, then just
install the "ClearType", there're plenty of topics discussing this on
ubuntu china forum, or linuxsir.org, or something else.

You can get exactly the same look in Linux and Windows, since every Windows
font can be used as a Linux font, including the Microsft's rendering
engine. Then the font issure is nothing to argue about...

Okay now lets saying the Visual C++ compiler. (Call it VC for the

I agree that VC dominates (especially in china) and I am one of the
"professionals" using VC at my work.

But I personally had done comparations for vc vesus gcc. The comparision is
easy to do, just get the latest version of lame (the
"almost-industry-standard" mp3 encoder), which compiles fluently under VC
or under GCC, use maximum optimization and see the results. which lame.exe
is faster?

To be fair with the OS, I compared using cygwin version of gcc and the
latest VC and run both programs within Windows XP, gcc unexpectedly wins.

I'm not saying VC is inferior since I use VC everyday, just saying that VC
does not necessarily faster than gcc in all aspects, there may be somewhere
that VC does better, but for compiling C programs gcc might be better.

VC has good ANSI C++98 support, however, VC does not have full ANSI C99
support, the standard C support of VC is not quite up-to-date, so that C
sources that requires ANSI C99 cannot compile under VC. This bothers me a
lot, since many C99 source must be amended before it can be compiled with
VC. And I don't want to come back to the obsoleted C89 standard any more...
GCC, however, has the best support for C99 and some exclusively useful
extension for C.

Let's assume VC is good in C++, but will it be that good for C? My painful
experiences tells me, it is better not use VC for pure-C programs, since
many shortcomings of C are overcomed in C99 and I cannot live without C99
if some application must use C.

Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Zhichao Hong, CSDP

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