Zhichao Hong wrote:
If the topic is about fonts, I would like to make some comment.  The
Bitstream Vera Sans Mono looks ugly with subpixel hints.  You can say
the same thing about Consolas.  But if the hinting are turned on and

It may depend on the rendering engine used. I use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono in both gvim and Thunderbird, both of which use GTK2+Xft, and they look OK to me. I don't know whether antialiasing is on or off. Fonts look slightly different in Konqueror (which uses Qt), and I haven't tested other widget sets (Athena, Motif, Photon, ...), but I think it might make a difference.

Best regards,
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        If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.

        If you are given a take-home exam, you will forget where you

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