Lin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is another student who is applying for the on-the-fly code
> checker project in GSoC.
> On Apr 14, 2:59 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > However, I do am interested in something able to understand C++
> > constructs in order to built even more powerful code
> > transformations and generations.
> > As such, this GSOC project may initiate the development of the API
> > I'm missing.
> > Hence I'm looking forward to it.
> Would it be useful to have a mechanism for Vim to do some "background"
> job? By using threads etc.

It all depends on the job I guess.

> Another feature becoming possible with this API would be an on-the-fly
> tags generator. When SOME threshold is reached, we can call a
> background thread to refresh the tags, which can be in turn reflected
> in the tags window (which is supplied in the Taglist plugin).
> But fine tunes should be given for the threshold. The same problem
> exists for syntax checker.
> Would anyone find this useful?

IMHO, there is no need to run ctags in the background.
[I already have a plugin (one of the rare I've never published) that updates my
tags file every time a buffer is saved. By "update" I mean that only the updated
file is parsed, and that the tags previously associated to this file are
replaced by the new ones. At most, I loose 1/10 s every time I hit <F2> (mapped
to :update).
I won't be surprised to learn that there already are several other plugins that
do that on]

My main concern is more that ctags itself is not a very good solution -- for
parsing C++ files. A good solution will need to see the current buffer (we are
back to your "thread" proposal), and do a lot of work to really understand the

Luc Hermitte

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