John Beckett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Consider the issue recently raised by Dominique Pelle: People
> editing C++ code would really appreciate a bit more intelligence
> applied to the tags feature so that Ctrl-] would try a bit harder
> to jump to the correct overloaded name. That would be tricky,
> but more achievable and much more worthwhile.

In this particular case, the most complex task consists in fetching the true
type name of the symbol we are interested in which, as it has been pointed out
should be already computed somewhere in omnicppcomplete code.
Once we have this information, jumping to the right declaration or definition is
a piece of cake with vim 7(.1?) VimL API.

(I even have two more applications for this information: have my
for(each)-iterator snippet automatically write the container type, and fix my
enum to switch generator.)

> I don't see how the intelligent tags request would be assisted by
> work from on-the-fly syntax checking because common sense confirms
> Bram's point that writing a generic syntax checker ain't really
> going to work (and would be unnecessarily complex).

The task ahead is indeed likely to be very complex as each language has a
different set of syntax, grammar, idioms, etc.

Luc Hermitte

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