On Tue 26-Aug-08 7:25pm -0600, Tony Mechelynck wrote:

> ----------------------------------
> Ah! I found them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> ----------------------------------
> see ":help dos-standard-mappings"

Thanks Tony!  I've revised my _vimrc correction to work fine
for Vim as well as Gvim:

    " Remove the not useful select mode versions
    sunmap <C-X>
    if has("GUI")
      sunmap <C-Del>
      sunmap <S-Del>
      sunmap <C-Insert>
      sunmap <S-Insert>
      sunmap <M-N><M-T>
      sunmap <M-N><M-U>
      sunmap <M-N><M-W>
      sunmap <M-N><M-X>
      " and these strange mappings
      unmap! <C-End>
      unmap! <C-Home>
      unmap <C-End>
      unmap <C-Home>

Best regards,

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