On Thursday, August 15, 2013 10:02:36 PM UTC-5, DrChip wrote:
> ZyX wrote:
> > I see that all g:vimsyn_embed flags say things like �embed � **(but 
> > only if vim supports it)**�. This is ridiculous:
> Ah, I disagree -- not ridiculous at all.  What's ridiculous is to assume 
> that one will be writing code for an interpreter embedded in vimscript 
> without being able to test it.  Thus, one needs to have the interpreter 
> supported for it to make sense.  The syntax/vim.vim script is quite long 
> already; making all interpreters' embedded highlighting work all the 
> time means everyone would have to put up with additional delays -- and 
> frankly, I don't think that most folks use all the interpreters.   
> That's not a problem for those with fast machines; not all have fast 
> machines.
> > ou don�t have to have vim lua support to code in lua and have syntax 
> > highlighting; you specifically don�t have to have vim lua support to 
> > write or watch lua<<EOF sections; and it is completely possible for oneself 
> > to want to review {interp}<<EOF sections in foreign plugins before deciding 
> > whether he needs to obtain Vim with {interp} support or (my case) to watch 
> > correct highlighting of his own vimrc on machine without specific 
> > interpreter support.
> You can look at the embedded code already -- it just won't have the 
> embedded interpreter's highlighting if your vim won't support it. Sort 
> of a visual flag that it won't work with your vim.

I like the idea of at least being able to force looking at it, without having 
it distract me with error highlighting.

ZyX's request seems reasonable to me.

A lot of the time I'm just looking at a plugin, I haven't written a line of it. 
Sometimes I'll do this on a different machine than I'm installing on.

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