On 08/12/13 19:20, LiTuX wrote:
(Seems that the one I send from gmail is blocked...)
Hi all,I may meet a bug about the windows console version of vim. I've post to 
vim_use (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vim_use/DfrUutlmDoM) and was 
suggested to post here. Details are in the link above (with screenshot), 
briefly, the console version can not get the correct input if IME is on.

cream version (7.4.110) has been tested too.

Any user's first post(s) to each Vim group is subject to moderation, which means that it won't appear in the mailing list until a moderator has looked at it and checked that it isn't spam. The moderator can also (and usually will) allow posts from the same author to be posted without moderator filtering.

This can take some hours for a first post (and for any messages you send before the first one has been approved), since moderators are few and not all constantly at the computer. Also, they are volunteers, and there is no guard schedule. Now that your first two posts to vim_dev has been posted, you won't have to wait as long in the future.

This filtering process is maybe a little unpleasant, but it is the only solution which has been found so far in order to prevent the large quantity of spam sent to the Vim lists from bothering every and all Vim-list users. If you don't see all that spam, it is thanks to the moderators who stop it.

Best regards,
I am, in point of fact, a particularly haughty and exclusive person, of
pre-Adamite ancestral descent.  You will understand this when I tell you
that I can trace my ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic
globule.  Consequently, my family pride is something inconceivable.  I
can't help it.  I was born sneering.
                -- Pooh-Bah, "The Mikado"

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