On 01/01/14 19:59, Stephen Lee wrote:
On Wednesday, January 1, 2014 6:15:18 AM UTC+8, LiTuX wrote:
Since msys-bash has the same issue, while msysgit's bash fixed it, I think 
there must be some way to fix this issue. So will anyone post a patch?
Actually the mechanism is like that:
IME(unicode) -->  Console(CP936) -->  vim(any codepage or utf-8)

IME generates unicode characters, which tossed away by Windows Console because it can only accept 
codepages. Therefore you will see "different" or "corrupted" characters appear 
in vim.

This is a "live long" problem of Windows console in all versions of Windows, 
which Microsoft never care to fix in the past, now, or in the future.

It is not an age-old problem with Windows.

The Windows Console deals in code pages (e.g. 932) by so that it can offer output that is compatible with programs that don't drive the console properly. This mode is called "(M)ulti(B)yte (C)haracter (S)et" mode (or MBCS) in the C/Windows APIs.

Console applications that drive the console and I/O streams properly can write Unicode directly to the console (taken from IME or from another source) and it
appears correctly.

My environment is Japanese and I write console programs in Unicode all the time and they work perfectly. Therefore it is possible to make console ViM to take IME
input and have it appear correctly.

So when using vim under Windows environment, please use gvim, which bypass the 
IME(unicode) -->  gvim(unicode or utf-8)


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