I may now know what had happened. :)

In the screenshot, I want `输入法` to be inserted into vim, but got a `嗜?`, now is 
I'm using code page 936 because I'm in China, hence encoding is GBK by default 
(and I've tested that only by :set enc=GBK can vim work normally in cmd.), 
hence `输入法` is actually `U+CAE4`, `U+C8EB` and `U+B7A8`, while `嗜` is `U+CAC8`, 
a combination of the first byte of `输入`, so, vim can get only the first byte of 
an input element, that is the point.

In order to confirm, I tried to input more, for example my signature 
`知识共享世界大同`(something like `knowledge sharing makes the world much more better` 
:) ), and get `质瓜式赐`:
      知      识      共      享      世      界      大      同
    U+D6AA, U+CAB6, U+B9B2, U+CFED, U+CAC0, U+BDE7, U+B4F3, U+CDAC
      D6      CA      B9      CF      CA      BD      B4      CD
        U+D6CA          U+B9CF          U+CABD          U+B4CD
          质              瓜              式              赐
So it should be true.

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