The reason that I would like a drawer is because I want to have a
project navigator always open.  When looking at the tree, I can think
faster about what files I need to be editing.  I also forget the name
of some files.  I use nerdtree now, but I dont want to open a tree in
my editor, I want it on the side always open.  I just want to click on
a file in the drawer and have it open. I think this would be a great
plugin or option in macvim.

On 10月12日, 下午3時40分, Matt Tolton <> wrote:
> There is a plugin architecture in MacVim that anyone can use to
> implement a project drawer.  There's even a sample plugin which
> implements a very basic file browser drawer.  Should be easily
> findable with a search over the archives.
> On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 9:27 AM, Brendan <> wrote:
> > Like Rui says 'Why not just use Vim on Terminal?'
> > Having the project drawer as a Cocoa widget allows for NERDTree-like
> > functionality without having to learn/remember any NERDTree commands.
> > The mouse may not be the fastest way, but there is no/very little
> > learning curve. Renaming files is (or should be) done the same way as
> > in the Finder, moving files is done with drag and drop etc.
> > Moreover, I may not want to navigate my entire filesystem in my text
> > editor, the TextMate drawer allows you to drag your project folder
> > from your desktop, say, drop in the drawer and just work within that.
> > Brendan
> > On Oct 8, 4:45 pm, Wayne Seguin <> wrote:
> >> Why not just use NERDTree for this ?
> >>    ~Wayne
> >> On Oct 08, 2009, at 11:07 , Tobia Conforto wrote:
> >> > Hello Björn and others
> >> > Would it be simpler to just have a Cocoa drawer of open buffers?
> >> > Much like the Buffers menu, except it wouldn't be a menu but a drawer.
> >> > Tobia

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