2009/10/12 Steven Michalske <smichal...@gmail.com>:
> On Oct 9, 2009, at 3:11 PM, Marcus Ferreira wrote:
>> Caruso,
>> Being more specific, "more info" and "less space" was meant as a
>> font size issue. When editing files I use Monaco 12 on both MacVim
>> and TextMate. When browsing my directory tree TextMate can display
>> more files and dirs because of its smaller font on the drawer.
> I have the best idea.......
> Make a cocoa drawer that can hold a vim buffer...
> Then we can add things like NERDTree and similar plugins to display in
> the drawer.
> NERDTree then can be configured to be a strict list of files that are
> your project, giving you a project drawer.
> Hardkrash

That is exactly what I would like to have

even if I am technically to able to implement it :(

> >

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