Like Rui says 'Why not just use Vim on Terminal?'

Having the project drawer as a Cocoa widget allows for NERDTree-like
functionality without having to learn/remember any NERDTree commands.
The mouse may not be the fastest way, but there is no/very little
learning curve. Renaming files is (or should be) done the same way as
in the Finder, moving files is done with drag and drop etc.

Moreover, I may not want to navigate my entire filesystem in my text
editor, the TextMate drawer allows you to drag your project folder
from your desktop, say, drop in the drawer and just work within that.


On Oct 8, 4:45 pm, Wayne Seguin <> wrote:
> Why not just use NERDTree for this ?
>    ~Wayne
> On Oct 08, 2009, at 11:07 , Tobia Conforto wrote:
> > Hello Björn and others
> > Would it be simpler to just have a Cocoa drawer of open buffers?
> > Much like the Buffers menu, except it wouldn't be a menu but a drawer.
> > Tobia

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