On Wednesday 03 February 2010 09:46:12 am Matt Wozniski wrote:

> Most software users in general don't need this.  The only
>  reason to update to the latest patch is either to be able to
>  make use of a new feature or to pick up a new bugfix.  As
>  someone who is an advanced vim

matt matt matt -- you're one of the smartest and most helpful 
people on this list but i can't let you make a statement like 
that without calling you on it

possibly the largest, but certainly a large subset of patch 
downloaders do so to decrease the time after patches are released 
and subsequent bugs are discovered -- the more people who stay 
current, the quicker new bugs are discovered

we love vim, we love open source, and keeping an eye on things in 
this manner is our way of giving back to the community -- we, or 
at least some of us, have made good livings as programmers and 
feel it's the least we can do to contribute and stay in the game

you must have meant "the only reason for most software users to 

ok -- never mind


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