On 2010-02-03, sc wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 February 2010 09:46:12 am Matt Wozniski wrote:
> > Most software users in general don't need this.  The only
> >  reason to update to the latest patch is either to be able to
> >  make use of a new feature or to pick up a new bugfix.  As
> >  someone who is an advanced vim
> > 
> matt matt matt -- you're one of the smartest and most helpful 
> people on this list but i can't let you make a statement like 
> that without calling you on it
> possibly the largest, but certainly a large subset of patch 
> downloaders do so to decrease the time after patches are released 
> and subsequent bugs are discovered -- the more people who stay 
> current, the quicker new bugs are discovered
> we love vim, we love open source, and keeping an eye on things in 
> this manner is our way of giving back to the community -- we, or 
> at least some of us, have made good livings as programmers and 
> feel it's the least we can do to contribute and stay in the game
> you must have meant "the only reason for most software users to 
> update..."
> ok -- never mind

I'm with Matt on this one.  I normally have enough to do to keep up
with my responsibilities on the project I'm paid to work on--I don't
have a lot of time to spend babysitting my tools.  As it happens, I
have a personal interest in Vim so I do try to take the extra time
and effort to keep my various installations up to date.
Nevertheless, I would not recommend to anyone else that they do
this.  I have very seldom found it _necessary_ to use the very
latest version.  Before I learned about the Cream site, I just used
the N.0 version on Windows until N+1.0 was released and it worked
well enough.

If it ain't broke, ....


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