On 20.07.2010 02:16, Pablo Giménez wrote:
2010/7/19 Brett Stahlman<brettstahl...@comcast.net>:
On Jul 19, 6:49 am, Pablo Giménez<pablog...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am using the TagList plugin and I have seen that TagList use
different tags than VIM, I mean vim can see the tags in the tag files
included in the tags option.
So I have some tag files with tags for system libraries and then I
keep project's tags under TagList control. If I<C-]> to jump to a
definition from my proiject it doesnt appear in the options, because
it doesn't exists in my tags files set by the tags option.
But it appears in the TagList window. How I can make TagList work with
my existing tag files and also viceversa.
This is precisely the reason I don't often use Taglist, even though I
think it's a very powerful and well-designed plugin. It may be
possible to make Taglist work with pre-built tags files for things
like system header files, but I didn't see anything in its
documentation on strategies for doing so. Admittedly, I didn't spend a
lot of time looking into it, so perhaps I've just overlooked it...
Do you recommend any other plugin to manage tags that works well with
prebuilt tags and dynamic tags?
After looking for a while seems taglist is the most powrful.
I still have a question: how do you "keep project's tags under TagList
control"? TagList works on files and not on projects as far as I know.
Anyways, if there are any tags in TagList but not in vim, than your
ctags is not set up correctly. Perhaps you need more definitions in
your .ctags? Or you don't regenerate the tags often enough.
Could you tell how the tags you're searching for look like?
cu, Adam.
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