2010/7/20 Adam Duck <adam.ian.d...@gmail.com>:
> On 20.07.2010 12:25, Pablo Giménez wrote:
>> 2010/7/20 Adam Duck<adam.ian.d...@gmail.com>:
>>> On 20.07.2010 02:16, Pablo Giménez wrote:
>>>> 2010/7/19 Brett Stahlman<brettstahl...@comcast.net>:
>>>>> On Jul 19, 6:49 am, Pablo Giménez<pablog...@gmail.com>    wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> I am using the TagList plugin and I have seen that TagList use
>>>>>> different tags than VIM, I mean vim can see the tags in the tag files
>>>>>> included in the tags option.
>>>>>> So I have some tag files with tags for system libraries and then I
>>>>>> keep project's tags under TagList control. If I<C-]>    to jump to a
>>>>>> definition from my proiject it doesnt appear in the options, because
>>>>>> it doesn't exists in my tags files set by the tags option.
>>>>>> But it appears in the TagList window. How I can make TagList work with
>>>>>> my existing tag files and also viceversa.
>>>>> This is precisely the reason I don't often use Taglist, even though I
>>>>> think it's a very powerful and well-designed plugin. It may be
>>>>> possible to make Taglist work with pre-built tags files for things
>>>>> like system header files, but I didn't see anything in its
>>>>> documentation on strategies for doing so. Admittedly, I didn't spend a
>>>>> lot of time looking into it, so perhaps I've just overlooked it...
>>>> Do you recommend any other plugin to manage tags that works well with
>>>> prebuilt tags and dynamic tags?
>>>> After looking for a while seems taglist is the most powrful.
>>> I still have a question: how do you "keep project's tags under TagList
>>> control"?  TagList works on files and not on projects as far as I know.
>>> Anyways, if there are any tags in TagList but not in vim, than your ctags
>>> is
>>> not set up correctly.  Perhaps you need more definitions in your .ctags?
>>> Or
>>> you don't regenerate the tags often enough.
>> When I mean "project" Is just a root directory and all the files under
>> it. Is a light concept of projects :)
>>> Could you tell how the tags you're searching for look like?
>> My ctags files dont include the files in the project, just tags from
>> system libraries, in this case python modules and packages installed
>> in the system.
>> I dont't make tags for the files under my project folder because I
>> leave that task to TagList. But the problem seems that the tags
>> created by TagList are not in the tags option so this is the reason
>> because<C-]>  can't reach them.
> Now I see.  Well, I generate tags for files in my projects with ctags.  I
> don't care what tags TagList uses.  Have a look into localvimrc:
> http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=441
> This way, you can have all the power of vim with unique settings for each
> project (even directories within a project).  For example I have a .lvimrc
> in the top-level-dir of a C#-project set up as follows:
This looks really cool and  is something I want to do in the future a
better "project" support.
At the moment I cant take time to implement this in my setup, but I
will do in the future by sure.
I want to learn more about better project ssupport in vim.
thansk for this info really useful
> ---
> let b:ProjPath=expand("<sfile>:p:h")                   ".lvimrc
> let b:ProjName=split(b:ProjPath, "\\")[-1]
> exe "setl tags+=" . b:ProjPath . "/tags"
> exe "setl path+=" . b:ProjPath . "/**"
> exe "augroup " . b:ProjName
>    au!
>    au BufEnter *.cs compiler msbuild
>    au BufWinEnter *.cs :if exists("b:ProjPath") | :exe "lcd " . b:ProjPath |
> :endif
> augroup END
> " C# settings
> setl suffixesadd+=.cs
> ---
> You could add a "au BufWritePost" or something for generating tags.  As you
> can see I use only one tags file for a project and because `lcd' is always
> set to the project directotory I can just do a "!ctags -R ." and everything
> is fine.
> Also adding "--extra=+f" to your .ctags will generate filenames as tags and
> jumping to another file is just pressing C-] on a filename.
> cu, Adam.
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Un saludo
Best Regards
Pablo Giménez

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