On 09/12/2020 21.19, Gabriele F wrote:
Completely off-topic, if you don't have particular needs I'd advise you to use UTF- 8 with BOMs for all your new files ('set bomb', 'set encoding=utf-8' and 'fenc' left to the default in your vimrc), it will prevent any future encoding problem for at least them.

I've been doing so for more than a decade and pretty much never had problems, and sigh a relief every time I see I'm working with one of them.

I should have specified that in that time I used mostly other text editors, and on Windows, I've been using Vim only for a few years and I still use more frequently other editors. Although I do have a "set bomb" in my vimrc, I have less experience with it in Vim, and still am on Windows most of the time.

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