On 10/12/2020 14.04, A. Wik wrote:
I just like to keep things "8-bit clean". As long as all tools used
to process the files are also 8-bit clean, nothing gets corrupted.
Alas, it does mean files are sometimes displayed incorrectly.  But in
my experience, it gets messy when I introduce UTF-8.

Ok, my experience instead is that a lot of tools do mess up the encodings and its hard to promptly recognize those mess-ups when not using a UTF encoding. I guess it comes up to one's usual tools, needs and habits.

There is something to it.  People who use only ASCII seem to like
UTF-8 better than those who frequently use non-English characters.
I've seen claims that UTF-8 is "compact" but compared to strictly
8-bit character sets like Latin-1 it is not.

Maybe that was in the first years of UTF-8, now several tests showed that UTF-8 is fairly efficient even for asian languages, so I think it's generally well accepted and the controversy is just on the BOM. Anyway I don't think anyone who needs non-english characters has ever favoured any old non-unicode encoding, Unicode is a bliss precisely for them.

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