I am currently a so called PC user as well as a mac user but at least from
my perspective or opinion both hardware platforms are nice, it's the
operating system "the other guy" made that ain't so nice...  I'm not here to
debate just to say that I love my mac hardware just as much as my PC
hardware.. and it's nice that I can run linux on both platforms and use
those programs on both hardware...  Please lets not get into how much muscle
each or the other has... or a huge debate just nice to express opinions...

> >At 11:43 AM +0200 7/28/2001, Marten van de Kraats wrote:
> >>evolution: survival of the fittest and all that stuff. PC's are for
> >>the stupid masses, Macs are for the spiritual and intellectual elite.
> >>Our machines are just better and stronger. :-)
> >
> >    I disagree.  I was a PC-head (I still play one at work), so I know
> >the main reason most people won't go to the Mac.  It's not stupidity.
> >It fear.  Most people are sheep.  The follow the leader no matter
> >what.  Most people use Windows, therefore the sheep do too.
> >--
> You do not disagree. Everything in your reaction supports my
> 'theory'. PC people are sheep, Mac people belong to an elite. It's
> just as crystal clear as the difference between nobility and
> peasants, illiterates and academics, etc.
> BTW Stupidity and fear are basically the same thing.
> Marten

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