Hey folks!  I just joined this list.  I've been a member of the Compact
Macs mailling list for a while now.  My older Apple collection as it
stands now (these are the ones that are part of *MY* collection, that I
actually use, as opposed to the ones I have sitting in a closet or for

*Apple IIGS- Something that came into my posession as a unit to be sold.
I've wanted one of these since I was 13 years old (I'm now in my 20s), so
I saved it. I need a monitor for it, though, and it's probably too far
removed to be talked about on this list, so....
*Macintosh Plus- My grandfather gave me this machine over ten years ago.
Had an external hard drive that died, curiously, shortly after the Plus
itself. I guess it was just meant to be.  Currently AWOL w/ a dead power
*Macintosh SE/30- Something I grabbed from my selling stock inventory,
just because it's got a 350MB hard drive. But the case has yellowed.  The
only Mac I own with a yellowed case.  Believe it or not, I prefer the
Classic II over the this one.  I don't need or use it's expansion port,
and 128MB of RAM on a compact Mac just seems ridiculous to me.  You can
tell this one has been used (it came originally from the University of
Washington), and I sometimes get the feeling it's going to die on me at
any moment.  I'll gladly take the 2-20% performance loss (depending on
which benchmark you run: video, memory, CPU, etc).  With what I use them
for, it's unnoticable.  Probably the least-used of my collection.
*Macintosh Classic II- A beautiful machine I acquired to replace the dead
Plus.  To this day, I still haven't gotten around to repairing the Plus
with a new power supply, despite it's sentimental value.  I love the
Classic II too much!  The "classic" Mac I use most during the week. Has a
much more 'reliable' and 'solid' feel than the SE/30, and is basically the
same machine minus the expansion slot (which I have no use for) and the
32bit data path.  Used on a daily basis.
*Macintosh IIsi- A recent adoption. Was part of my "for sale" gig and was
a complete system, I took a liking to it, cleaned it up, and I'm beginning
to use it.  Though I have to find a good spot for it in my apartment.
It's got the adapter to convert the PDS expansion slot into a NuBus
expansion slot.
*Macintosh Performa 630CD- Was the second Mac I ever owned after my
grandfather gave me the Plus.  I got it used sometime in the second half
of the 1990's for $30, complete with monitor, keyboard, and mouse, at a
computer shop.  I love this machine, too, and it comes in second as far as
use goes after the Classic II.  I recently nabbed one of those Mac to PC
video adapters from my "for sale" inventory and hooked the Performa up to
a nicer, bigger, beautiful flatscreen PC monitor.  Looks great. :)  I read
somewhere that this was on the "10 Worst Macs Ever Made" list.  And then I
read about someone who owned one of these Macs for years (35,000 hours of
operation?), and when it finally died, she replaced it not with a new Mac,
but with the exact same model.  Obviously, whoever wrote that 10-worst
list never owned one. :) Used on an almost-daily basis.

*SupraExpress 33.6 external modem on the Performa
*ImageWriter II- Originally came with the Plus my grandfather gave me.
Now used for the Classic II, or whatever else I want it for.
*Color StyleWriter 2400- A recent addition.  Actually haven't used it yet,
but it's hooked up to the Performa and ready to go.  I need some ink tanks
for it.
*External 100MB hard drive to complement the internal drive on the Classic
II.  Damn, I love that machine!
*External 80MB hard drive that is currently a floater between systems.
It'll be the permanent drive for the Plus, when it gets fixed.
*Two external 800k floppy drives.  One is on the Classic II, the other
waiting for the Plus to be repaired.

Honorable mention:
*Macintosh SE- One of the older models, with the dual 800k floppy drives.
The case looks good, and I'm thinking about pulling it from the stuff I
have for sale just because.  But I haven't decided yet.  It takes
something special to become a part of my collection. :) Once you're in,
you're in for *life.*

Anyway, I have some hardware available that might be of interest to list
members.  Please respond off-list if anything listed here interests you,
or you are looking for a specific piece of hardware!

Some of the things I am trying to get rid of:

*I have many Macintosh SE's of all configurations, and a few SE/30's.
*I have a Macintosh Centris 650 that works great with a 230MB hard disk,
and 8MB RAM.   This is the computer unit *only*, however.  I do not have a
monitor, keyboard, mouse, or power cable to sell along with it.  Though I
*have* tested it with my own equipment, and it *does* work just fine.
*I have a few of the old external 800k 3.5" disk drives left.
*I have quite a few 14.4kbps and 33.6kbps Global Village external modems,
complete in original packages.
*I have a Mac IIsi case, complete with motherboard, power supply and 1.4MB
SuperDrive. There is no hard disk, however, or any SIMMS in the expansion
slots.  I'm considering keeping this as a spare-parts box for the IIsi
that I use, but mail me if you're interested.  It might be a good box to
start a system from.  Again, no monitor, keyboard, mouse or power cord.
FWIW, it *does* power up just fine, but displays the disk request ("?")
icon as there is no hard drive.
*I've got an HP DeskWriter and ImageWriter II.  No cables with these,

There is quite a bit more, so feel free to email me if there is something
in particular you are looking for, even if it is related to compact Macs.
Be sure to do it off-list!  If I don't have it, there is a good chance
I'll be able to get it.  Larger hard drives are probably going to be a
no-go, though.  Most of those are gone and the only ones I have left are
in the 40-150MB range.  If there is something I help you with, we will
negotiate price.  Basically, this stuff goes cheap because it *must go*.
For example, the external modems (complete in original boxes) are going at
$5 a pop. I take anything that I can't sell on the lists to eBay.  We just
don't have room for it.

Buyer pays shipping.

Also, be aware that there *are* certain things (hardware-wise) I am
looking for and will accept in trade for some of my hardware.  E-mail me
for details, as some of them may not be appropriate for this list.

I will be getting another shipment of vintage Mac hardware in the next
week or so, so stay tuned.


Nat Hall

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