Could you write me with more details as I am interested in trying out one of 
these.  Thank you



From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 4:49 PM
Subject: Re: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hi Keith,


    I shall respond off list, as we are speaking more of the attributes of the 
Vac rather than the app.


    However, while we are on list, I should like to say that extending the use 
of the iPhone beyond its, originally, perceived potential, is still valid for 
the list.


    I see mention of blood pressure monitors, one pot cookers and fitbit 
accessories, and all are valid for this list, in my opinion. But, I never 
wanted to tire the list with too much enthusiasm on my part. The simple fact is 
that this vac has reinvigorated my interest in my house and my environment, 
generally. The Bot will work without the app, but in a most limited form, with 
the app, it becomes something that one can contral just like anyone else.


    See you off list,


sent from the dark side of the moon

On 12 Jun 2016, at 22:26, Kramlinger, Keith G., M.D. 
<> wrote:



Thanks very much for all the info and the demos.


We have a mix of carpet and tile. Can one easily set up a carpet day and a tile 
day, giving time to switch out the brushes for the different floor surfaces??


How much softer is the noise in Eco mode?


Please keep me informed if you have to go off the viPhone list by adding me to 
your email list at the following: .


Best, Keith


From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2016 2:56 PM
Subject: Re: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hi Ed,


    Oh! It has suction alright! I think it might be the most powerful of the 
robot vacs. Yesterday, my first time using it, I used the Turbo mode, which is 
the most powerful, together with the rotating brush, rather like those of an 
upright vacuum. It did a splendid job, but today, after finding another brush 
in the box (by the way, the brushes are easy to swap and the dust bin is easy 
to empty) well, this second brush is also a rotating brush, but is more like a 
multiple squeegy! I looked it up on line and discovered that it is called the 
"spiral blade brush" and is recommended for hard floors. Since most of my 
floors are hard floors, tiles and wood, I gave it a go and I changed the power 
mode to "Eco", less powerful. Well, I was delighted to see that not only did it 
do just as well as the other brush at picking up dust/crumbs etc, it also buffs 
the tiles/wood, making them feel nicer and more shiny!!! My Roomba, in the 
past, used to do this, and I wondered if the Neato product could do the same 
and it can! I should say that whenever the floor is vacuumed with our very 
powerful suction vac (a conventional one that is) the floors always looked 
clean to the sighted, but to me, who goes by the feel, they never were quite 
nice to the touch. Now, with the BotVac and the new brush, I keep bending down 
to admire the lovely shiny clean tiles!!!


    What does it cost?From Amazon in the UK, I paid a wacking 530 pounds 
sterling! However, Jeremy seems to have found an excellent deal from Best Buys 
(I hope I have that right. Perhaps Jeremy could give some details again?)


    Hope this helps,

Sandy of the scintillatingly, shiny, floors!  

sent from the dark side of the moon

On 12 Jun 2016, at 18:03, Pinky <> wrote:

Hi Sandy,

Does this Bot Vac have suction   or does it just use brushes to clean? Also 
about how much is this little unit?



From: [] On Behalf Of 
Sieghard Weitzel
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 7:08 PM
Subject: RE: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hi Sandy,


If I do buy one and don’t like it I will hold you entirely responsible. You 
will have to buy it from me and then you can have a BotVac competition or maybe 
they can even fight together? You can start the WWBV (world wrestling botvac) 
organization and you’ll probably become a billionair at which time you can 
afford an entire human staff to cook, clean and organize your life.


Have a good Sunday and don’t overwork your BotVac although I heard their 
union’s “sucks” *smile*


Sieghard who will vacuum the good old fashion way tomorrow


From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hi Sieghard and Marie,


    Now, now! Before you start getting serious and start looking at model 
numbers, please remember that I have had this particular toy for about 24 
hours! I don't know how long Jeremy has had his, but, I think it reasonable to 
say that we are both still on a learning curve. For example, accessibility, 
seems very good, once you have set up the wifi, but I have only done the most 
basic commands thus far. I have only sent it off to do its own thing, 
once!!!True, I do have experience of Roombas, and do know what to look for, and 
I would say that this seems to be even better and costs 2/3 of the price, but 
still, it is early days. In other words, make sure you can send it back if you 
do go for it, and please don't hold me to blame if you are disappointed!!!!


    OK, caveat emptor and all that, plus a bit of cave canem and tempus 
fugit,my new toy is called the Neatorobot botvac connected. There are several 
models of the neato robot vacuum cleaners, the only one that works with an app 
is the one which includes the word 'connected". 


    As for going under beds: it is 12 cm high, I think that might be about 4 
and 3/4 inches high. My bed is about 2 ft 6 high, being an old brass type, so, 
obviously, no probs there, I could possibly fit the entire Dagganham Girls 
Brass Band under there! But if you have something more modern, much less than 5 
inches might be too tight.


    I think that this Neato product has the best and easiest dust bin, both for 
removal and emptying. It was nearly full after today's effort, and Hugh was 
sure it wouldn't have much to get, seeing as he had hoovered, with a powerful 
traditional vac recently. I had a lot of dog hairs in it, though the dog is not 
meant to moult and Hugh was sure he had got them all! Another nice thing, but I 
haven't tried it yet with the app, you can spot clean. Lets imagine you have 
spilt something in the kitchen, sugar or flour, perhaps, and you know it is in 
a certain area, just go get your Bot, carried easily by the handle, put it just 
in front of where you think your spillage is and press the spot clean button, 
or use the app, and it will clean a square of about 4 ft (don't quote me on 
just how large the area is, can't remember just now) starting with the outer 
perimeter and working in. So, you don't have to do the whole room if it doesn't 


Lastly, if anyone is serious about one of these, do look around. Amazon isn't 
bad, in fact, it might be the cheapest, but some have extended warrentees for 
up to 5 years, worth looking at IMHO.


    Wine time now, will clink a glass with my new pal Bottom.




P.S. Sieghard, you asked how large the floor space of my ground floor, Hugh 
says about 1000 square feet.   

sent from the dark side of the moon

On 11 Jun 2016, at 19:52, Sieghard Weitzel <> wrote:

That’s where a traditional 4-poster with just a slatted base and a good 
mattress and a vacuum that is not an upright come in handy. Our bed has about a 
foot of space underneath and I have a built-in central vacuum so just the hose 
and the thing with the floor brush which is only about 2 inches thick and I can 
even get underneath our couch with it.


I must admit that Sandy’s new toy sounds interesting and tempting. Sandy, I 
haven’t looked yet, but do they have different dmodels, if so, which one did 
you buy?






From: [] On Behalf Of 
Kramlinger, Keith G., M.D.
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 10:48 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: RE: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Under the bed? Do you have an idea what the height off the floor the thing 
measures? This could convince my wife to allow a trial purchase. She would be 
wild about something that would get under the bed. Keith


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Jeremy Gilley
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


That is what I did sandy. accidently pressed the button and off it went lol.

My dog too has no problems with it. she sniffed it a couple times and was like 
ok, what ever.

This thing even zoomed under my bed everything. It was really awesome cleaning 
my apt. I have a 1,300 SQFT apt. Your right, it finds the rooms off the living 
room and if you leave closets opened as I accidently did, it even zoomed in and 

It is remarkable how it can be at the back end of the APT and it finds it way 
to the front of the apt where the charger is, turn itself around and back 
itself up to recharge.



From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hi Keith,


    Because the house was vacuumed 2 days ago, there wasn't any build-up in the 
corners etc. But, because of the shape of this Neato, which has a square edge, 
it does go along the wall edges, using its side brushes, these push the 
dust/hair under the rotating brushes and are sucked up. Also, because of the 
square corners, it should do a better job in corners. I can only say that we 
will be monitoring it over the next month, not using any other vacuum, and I 
will report back to you. As for tiles: approx half of our floor space is tiled 
and it works well with them. I was a little concerned when my partner ordered 
the Bot before I had finished researching it because I had heard that it had 
problems with dark/black floors, interpreting them as "drop-off". The thing is 
not meant to fall off steps and uses brightness/darkness as a guide. Well, we 
have a chess-board tiled floor and I was worried it might not manage it, 
however, no probs. perhaps the problems were with earlier models. Rugs are no 
problem either. However, if you have something long haired like a goat skin 
rug, well, you will have the same problems that you would have with any hoover.


    Lastly, re the chairs and table scenario: the Bot does map and remember, 
but it also sees, in a way, it uses laser. If things are exactly in their usual 
place, I imagine, it will be most quick to do its work, but if things are 
moved, it will work, just as it did for me this morning, when it mapped for the 
first time. By the way, we did leave the chairs down, round the tables, it was 
fine! it went in between the legs and did a fine job! Do you get the impression 
I like this new toy?


Lastly, as I told Jeramy, we do still need help with turning on the wifi on the 
BotVac itself before we can use it with the app. But one can always just press 
the start button and off it goes!



sent from the dark side of the moon

On 11 Jun 2016, at 17:25, Kramlinger, Keith G., M.D. 
<> wrote:


How does it do on edges and corners? And tile?


If a dining room table has chairs positioned at the table, it can’t get 
underneath. So, if one removes the chairs on occasion to do a more thorough 
cleaning, is it smart enough to know at those times, without the chairs there, 
it should clean under the table, too?


Thanks, Keith


From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox




    Hugh has taken the 'orrible pooch out for a run in the local ruined abby, 
but when he gets back, I will ask him for the square footage of the ground 
floor. As for timing, I can only guess, roughly an hour, but will time it 
tomorrow, always assuming no industrial relations problems with my new 
household slave (I speak of the robot, of course!). I should say that I had it 
set to "Turbo", which is the more intensive mode. Once you have your floors to 
your liking, I imagine, you could use the quicker and less battery intensive 
mode "eco". I know that you have no carpets in your house, whereas, I do have 
some rugs, little ones in doorways and a couple of larger, say, 6 by 8, or 
therabouts, and, I must say, it did a good job on them. Also, re noise, on 
Turbo,it is louder than on Eco, but I didn't find it at all loud, even when 
Hugh and I and dog were in the kitchen while it was working. When it did the 
utility room, I had thought it had forgotten it and so had started feeding the 
cat and the dog, it carried on working around them and me, in a really rather 
confined space.


    I am sure I will come across some glitches, but, so far, I am suitably 
impressed and I have had these things, in one form or another, for years! The 
app is very nice and seems totally accessible, think I will write to the 
owners, not only to request the implant which you so kindly suggested, but also 
to congratulate them on a job well done re accessibility!


Sandy (Version 1) 

sent from the dark side of the moon

On 11 Jun 2016, at 16:34, Sieghard Weitzel <> wrote:

Hi Sandy,


Sounds great, I suggest you contact the company that makes your botvac and ask 
if they could hook up some of that technology to your brain, next thing you’ll 
be running around without a cane or a dog, just make sure they leave out  
whatever makes the botvac suck up all the dirt it comes across, it might give 
you indigestion and I don’t think our anatomy is designed to cough up furballs 


Just out of curiocity, do you know how many square metres your floor is and how 
long did it take for it to do the six rooms?



Happy vacuuming,



From: 'Sandratomkins' via VIPhone [] 
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 6:19 AM
Subject: Unboxing my Neato BotVac! Sand Tomkins has shared a file with you 
using Dropbox


Hallo to any who were interested in the Robot Vacuum cleaners. Mine has arrived 
and I have made a couple of recordings: the first, lasting about half an hour, 
is just unboxing it. The second is my first experience using the Bot.


    In passing, I should say that I was very impressed with the way it dealt 
with my, somewhat, complex floor-plan. On our ground floor, we have 6 rooms, 
all interlinking. Apart from the kitchen, all have at least 2 doors, some have 
3, not counting external doors. I left all the internal doors open, 
nevertheless, the BotVac did each room, not being tempted out of the room until 
it was finished. Ithought, when it had done 5 of the rooms and seemed to be 
heading home to the docking station, that it had missed the little utility 
room, Near to the back door, but, NO! it made its way there, back through 3 
rooms, and did the last one. Once finished, it headed, unerringly, only banging 
its head a little on a treadmill, but not put off from its direct line to the 
docking station, where it backed into place, sang a song and sent me a message 
to my iPhone saying it was done! 


    This hoover has better mobility than me! It walks into fewer things and has 
a great sense of which room it is in. I want a botVac hat!!


    Satisfied Sandy.


Here’s a link to “2016-06-10 02_59.wav” in my Dropbox:

sent from the dark side of the moon

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