So, this is what I am thinking. I want the ability to print. I want the 
smallest screen I can get. I use my devices for apps, email, and messages. 
Instead of getting a newer mac and because I am used to IOS I am thinking of an 
iPad pro 9.7 inch screen, 128 or 256 gigs storage and Apple's smart keyboard 
and a printer that is compatible with this device.

1 Would an newer iPad be compatible with any printers? 
2 if I have to go to iPad pro or even if iPad would do printing, what printer 
should i buy that is accessible?
3 Are there any iPad cases with built in keyboards that would automatically 
connect with either device or do they all have a number to put in? 
Thank you for any thoughts. There is just so much out there, and the most 
important questions are not answered so asking here.

Reggie and Lex
God said, "I need somebody strong enough to pull sleds and find bombs, yet 
gentle enough to love babies and lead the blind. Somebody who will spend all 
day on a couch with a resting head and supportive eyes to lift the spirits of a 
broken heart." So God made a dog.

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