Hi Richard,


As Chris said in his message, I don’t believe KeePass supports 2-factor 
authentication. I’ve never had an issue with it being compromised and even 
though I would not use it on Dropbox for a long time, I finally decided it was 
safe after using my iPhone more and more and needing a way to sync between my 
computer and my iPhone where my passwords were concerned. 


I wrote a tutorial on KeePass a couple of years ago and I think you might still 
find some useful information in it. I’m still running the same version of 
KeePass discussed in the tutorial on my Windows 10 computer. I’ll paste the 
tutorial following my signature. Let me know if you have any other questions.




I'm writing a tutorial on how to use the basic features of the KeePass program 
to manage your passwords with your computer. I'm running Windows 7 with Fusion 
2019 and using KeePass version 2.44, the most recent downloadable version, for 
purposes of this discussion. I will include navigable headings where 
appropriate and since I'm sending this post in html format, these headings 
should be maintained. This document was completed on February 15, 2020.


KeePass is an open source program available for free for maintaining a user's 
passwords. This discussion will be about running KeePass on a Windows computer 
but my understanding is that it will also run on Linux and Mac OS X.  Note the 
spelling of the program which appears to be a combination of the words keep and 
an abbreviation of password and don't make the mistake I did thinking it's 
spelled like a key to unlock something. KeePass is basically a small database 
management system where the underlying records are your passwords. A database 
is really just a table or spreadsheet of information where each row represents 
a record and each column represents a field of data for that record. For 
password records, the main fields in KeePass are Title, User Name, and Password 
where Title is the item with the password such as NLS BARD account. Be aware 
that KeePass has two main versions and various build iterations of each, 
version 1.x and version 2.x. I recommend you use version 2.x as I believe it 
contains more accessibility and this discussion will be about it.

KeePass Website

The main KeePass website can be found here:


 <https://keepass.info/> https://keepass.info/ 


The site contains a lot of helpful information and I'd recommend you explore it 
to gather what you need. I'd suggest you start by pressing Insert + F7 to 
generate a list of links and arrow through them to find your interests most 
quickly. You can go to the Downloads link from this list or use the following 
link to download the KeePass program:


 <https://keepass.info/download.html> https://keepass.info/download.html


KeePass has both fully installable and portable versions. As you arrow through 
the available downloads, you can pick whether you want the  installer which 
will be an exe file or the Portable version which will be a zip file. As you 
know, Portable versions don't add anything to your registry and can be copied 
to a flash drive for portability after being unzipped.

Running KeePass the first time

I installed the fully installable version of KeePass a few years back when I 
started using it and I have no intention of uninstalling it for purposes of 
this overview. Be aware of that so if you experience something different from 
my explanation, the reason might relate to this. I will attempt to mirror a new 
installation by creating a new KeePass database file  that will hopefully yield 
similar results to those who are installing it for the first time. 


When I pressed Ctrl + n to create an new KeePass database file, I was prompted 
to save it with the name Database.kdbx in the same folder of my existing 
KeePass database. First time users of the program will probably get different 
results but I'd recommend that if you're a Dropbox user, that you save your 
KeePass database kdbx file in your Dropbox folder. This will make syncing it 
with a mobile device discussed later much easier. You  should make note of this 
file name in order to make it easier to find in the future. After providing the 
database filename and location, you are in a dialog box to create your 
composite master key which is your master password to access your KeePass 
database. Choose a password that isn't easily cracked but that you can easily 
remember. This will be the only password you have to remember going forward 
because all the others will be housed in KeePass to recall as needed. Type in 
your master password and tab once where you'll land on a checkbox that is 
checked to hide the password value using asterisks.  Tab again to reenter your 
master password. Tab once which takes you to a Show expert options checkbox 
which you should leave unchecked. Tab again which takes you to a Help button 
which you can tab past to the ok button which you should execute. You will be 
taken to a create new password database dialog box which is multi tabbed with 
tabs for General, Security, Compression, Recycle Bin, and Advanced. Each of 
these tabs contain settings for the password  database but accept for the 
General tab discussed below, the defaults are fine and can be ignored. You will 
be located on the General tab when you first enter this dialog in the database 
name text box. I would recommend leaving this text box blank and referring to 
your KeePass database by its filename previously assigned.  Tab again and 
you'll be taken to a database description text box that you can also leave 
blank.  In my opinion, these last two items are for those who have more than 
one KeePass database file which I strongly discourage for purposes of this 
discussion. Tab again and you'll move to the default user name for new entries 
text box. This will be the assigned user name whenever you create a new entry 
in your KeePass database and I'd suggest typing your email address here. My 
experience has been that an email address is most commonly the user name for an 
account and this saves a step when creating a new password entry. Tab again and 
you'll move to the custom database color checkbox which you can leave 
unchecked.  Tab until you hear ok and press enter. You are then prompted if 
you'd like to print a KeePass emergency sheet which will contain all the 
information needed to open your database. If desired, this should be printed 
and saved in a safe place or you can skip this step. 

Adding entries to your new database

Adding a group

KeePass uses groups to categorize entries into its passwords database. Think of 
groups like folders in Outlook or like subfolders on a Windows computer for 
purposes of providing an organization structure to your files. Use of KeePass 
groups will make it much easier to access your passwords when you have hundreds 
of entries as I do. Also, the program developer has said putting all entries in 
one group will cause the program to work less efficiently when entries become 
numerous. The default groups KeePass contains when first launched are General, 
Windows, Network, Internet, Email, and Homebanking. These are shown on the left 
side of the KeePass screen indented below   the database name to which they 
belong. In this discussion, remember that I named my KeePass kdbx file Database 
so the default groups just listed are shown below Database in my program. You 
can arrow up and down through these groups to pick the appropriate one to house 
your new password entry. If you do not want to use any of the default groups, 
arrow up to your database name, press shift + F10 to open a context menu, arrow 
down to Add group, and press enter. You will be placed in an add group dialog 
where you can type the group name desired, tab to pick an icon which you can 
ignore, tab to an expires checkbox which I recommend you leave unchecked,  and 
tab until you hear ok and press enter. I suggest you leave the expires checkbox 
and date unchecked because I don't think you want your password groups to 
expire. Focus will be on the group you just created. You can have subgroups 
below groups so make sure focus is on the database name when creating a new 
group so you won't end up with numerous group levels unless that is what you 
prefer. My preference is to have only one level of groups so I'm clear where I 
am when arrowing up and down a sorted list. Be aware that groups are not 
automatically sorted.  For this discussion, I added a new group named Finance 
which was placed as the last group in the group even though it's not the last 
alphabetically. To change the order of your groups, tab or shift + tab until 
you hear tree view and arrow up until focus is on your database name, Database 
in this example. Press shift + F10 to open the context menu, arrow down to 
Rearrange submenu and right arrow to open the submenu and down arrow to Sort 
direct subgroups and press enter. All the subgroups in your database will now 
be sorted alphabetically.

Adding a new password

You can add an new password entry to your KeePass database by pressing ctrl + 
i. Remember, whichever group has focus when you press this hotkey will contain 
the new entry. You can arrow up and down your groups to ensure the desired one 
has focus. This is important because KeePass does not provide a group entry 
field when adding a new record since it's automatically assigned based on the 
group with focus. For this example, I'm creating a new password in my Finance 
group. When pressing ctrl + I, a multi-tabbed dialog opens with the Entry tab 
containing focus and the Title text box containing the cursor. Type the title 
best suited for you to find this entry later. For this example, I'm using Bank 
online account. Tab once and you're prompted to pick an icon which you can 
ignore, tab again and you'll be in the user name text box which should already 
be populated with your email address. Use that email address if appropriate or 
type in a new user name and tab. A default password will be shown as asterisks 
and highlighted. You should type in the password you desire for this entry. Tab 
once where you'll land on a hide field using asterisks checkbox which is 
checked and which you can tab past.  You will then be on the repeat password 
text box where the original default asterisked password is highlighted and must 
be retyped with your new password which matches the one previously entered. Tab 
once and you'll be on a generate a password button which you can use if you 
don't wish to use your own password. If you execute this generate a password 
button which I don't recommend, a context menu of choices will open that you 
can arrow through to select the desired option. Since I don't recommend using 
this, I'm not covering those options. Tab again and you'll be in a URL text box 
where you can enter the web URL associated with this account if desired. Tab 
again and you'll be in a Notes text box where you can store any notes related 
to this entry. Tab again and you'll be on an Expires checkbox which I don't 
recommend using. If you do check it, tab again and enter the desired date of 
expiration. Tab again and you'll be on a button to select one of the standard 
expire times. Tab again to ok and press enter to complete the entry. You will 
be on a two vertical pane screen not unlike a Windows Explorer screen where 
folders are listed on the left side and the files they contain are listed on 
the right side. In this case, your KeePass groups are listed on the left and 
the entries in the group with focus is listed on the right. The entry you just 
created contains focus. If you shift tab, Fusion announces tree view and moves 
focus to the password's host group, Finance in this example, and the group name 
will be spoken. Tab back and list view will be spoken and the name of the entry 
with focus with some of its details will be spoken. Pressing enter while n the 
passwords list view will open an edit box for the entry with focus. The Entry 
tab previously discussed will contain focus. While the Entry tab contains most 
of what you need to manage password entries, i.e., titles, user names, and 
passwords, I'm going to discuss one other tab in this multi-tabbed  entry edit 
dialog. Press ctrl + tab to move to the Advanced tab. When you tab once, you'll 
be placed in a string fields list. String fields are great for creating your 
own custom fields. For example, in my Bank online account entry, I want to 
track the account's fed routing number and the account number so I  will set up 
two custom string fields to do so. Tab once out of string fields list box and 
you'll be on an add button where you press enter.  You will land in a name text 
box where edit is spoken. Type the name for this custom field and for my 
example, I'll type FedRoute. If you've previously set up string fields for this 
database, a list of previous field names will be presented when you start 
typing characters. This doesn't apply here so I'll tab once after entering the 
name and be placed in the value text box. A fed routing code is a 9-digit 
number so I'll type in 123456789 for purposes of this example. Tab once where 
you'll land on an enable in memory protection checkbox which you can ignore. 
Tab again to the ok button and press enter. Focus should again be on the Add 
button which I will execute in order to add another custom string field. I'm 
back in the Name text box for this custom string field where I'll type AcctNum. 
I'll tab once to the value text box and type 456789. I'll tab to the ok button 
and press enter to complete the addition of this second custom string field and 
its value. I'll then tab to the ok button and press enter to complete the entry 
of this custom string field. Focus moves to a File attachments list view which 
is blank because I have none. Tab once to move to an Attach button if you'd 
like to attach a file to this entry. Tab again to the Ok button and press enter 
to complete the edit of this password entry. Focus returns to the list view 
with the last edited entry containing focus.

Exiting the database

More than one way exists to exit your KeePass database. I like to leave mine 
running to make access easier and I'll discuss the settings to control this 
later. For now, press alt + spacebar and arrow down to minimize and press 
enter. You will be placed on an option to save database changes before locking 
the workspace since we've just modified our database. Press enter to save it. 
KeePass remembers which group contained focus when the database was last saved 
and that group will have focus the next time you open KeePass. 

KeePass options

KeePass has a number of option settings that can be accessed from the Tools, 
Options menu. I mainly use the default settings but will describe a couple of 
suggested settings that I use. With KeePass open, press the alt key to activate 
the topline menu and right arrow to Tools. When Tools is spoken, down arrow 
once to open the Tools submenu and up arrow once to land on Options and press 
enter. A multi-tabbed Options dialog will open with tabs for Security, Policy, 
Interface, Integration, and Advanced. Security has focus and I'm going to turn 
off one of its default settings. Tab once and Lock workspace after KeePass 
inactivity will be spoken which means you are in the list of Security options 
which you can down arrow through. I then down arrow to the Use 'Clipboard 
Viewer Ignore' clipboard format checkbox which I make sure is unchecked.  I'm 
the only person using my computer and I use a clipboard manager program named 
Ditto which allows me to browse previous items copied to my clipboard. I find 
this especially helpful for browsing items copied from my KeePass database but 
if this option is left checked, KeePass won't allow Ditto to do this. You may 
be happy with the default setting not to allow this which is a more secure 
setting. Next, press ctrl + tab to move to the Integration tab.  Tab once and 
you'll be in a system wide hotkeys section in the global auto-type text box 
which I don't use. Tab again and you're on the Global auto-type - password only 
 text box which I have set to none. Tab again and you're on the  Auto-type 
selected entry which I have set to none. Tab once more and you're in the Show 
KeePass window hotkey box. I have this set to ctrl + alt + shift + k so that 
when I press this combination, a KeePass window will open prompting me for my 
master password. KeePass always remembers the last kdbx file on exiting the 
program. While this hotkey text box has focus, press the key combination you 
want to set here. Continue to tab until you hear Run KeePass at Windows startup 
checkbox and make sure it is checked. I think it is a good idea to have KeePass 
running at all times to make accessing your stored passwords easier when using 
your computer. Tab until you hear ok and press enter to complete setting your 

Opening KeePass

How you open KeePass could vary depending on your option settings. I have 
KeePass set to run automatically at Windows startup so I'm presented with a 
KeePass login window at system start where I provide my password. I have my 
options set to lock KeePass whenever I minimize it so that the master password 
is required in order to review the passwords in its database.  I can open a new 
KeePass window by pressing ctrl + alt + shift + k which I described earlier in 
the options section. To open KeePass, you might need to execute a desktop icon 
on your system depending on how you installed KeePass and your option settings.


When you open KeePass, you should be asked for your master password. After that 
is typed and accepted, your database will open and focus will be in a search 
box where you can type the title keyword to locate an existing entry. After 
typing the search term and pressing enter, the list of entries matching will be 
presented in the list view. You can tab once to access the tree view of groups 
and tab again to reach the list view of entries which match. You can then arrow 
up and down the list until you find the one you want.

Accessing the passwords in the list view

When focus is on the password entry you want, you can press ctrl + c to copy 
its password to the clipboard.  You can easily paste it to another computer 
program or website by pressing ctrl + v when on a text box seeking a password. 
Also, when focus is on an entry in the KeePass list view, you can press ctrl + 
b to copy that entry's user name to the clipboard. Finally, you can press shift 
+ F10 on the entry with focus and a context menu will open which you can arrow 
up and down through to select an item of choice. If you set up custom string 
fields for this entry, one of the context menu choices is the copy field 
submenu and when you right arrow on it, you will be provided a list of the 
custom string fields set up and pressing enter on the custom field name will 
copy its value to the clipboard. This is very handy especially if you use a 
clipboard manager such as Ditto that allows you to peruse your clipboard 
entries for selection and pasting.

KeePass on your mobile device

With the explosion of mobile devices for accessing content, having access to 
your KeePass database on such devices is critical. This discussion will focus 
on iOS since I use an iPhone but the main issue for both iOS and Android is 
that you will have to know the name of your KeePass kdbx file on your computer 
and make it available to your mobile device whether you are running iOS or 
Android. This is why I recommended earlier that you save your KeePass kdbx file 
in a Dropbox folder on your computer which makes it much easier to share with a 
mobile device.


I have used two different iOS apps for accessing my KeePass database on my 
iPhone. The first was Mini KeePass which unfortunately  is no longer available 
and the second is KeePass Touch which is free with ads or is 99 cents without 
ads. KeePass Touch is much better in my opinion because it can be synced with 
the same kdbx database used by your computer using Dropbox. With KeePass Touch, 
when you sign into the app after turning on Touch ID, you have access to all 
your passwords without providing the master password manually. When you 
navigate to your password field, you can double tap on the screen to copy it to 
the clipboard for easy pasting to another app. KeePass Touch also has a search 
feature at the top of its main screen for locating specific entries by keyword. 
 iOS has other apps that work with KeePass databases but I'm unfamiliar with 
their accessibility or cost. I suggest you search the App Store for KeePass and 
see what comes up if KeePass Touch doesn't interest you.


I have only very limited experience with Android but I did install the KeePass 
Droid app which was free on a Moto X4 phone. I did nothing more than install 
the app so can't offer any instructions on its use.

Dropbox download link for this overview

For those wishing to download this overview to your device in docx format, you 
can use the following Dropbox link:




Alan Lemly



From: viphone@googlegroups.com <viphone@googlegroups.com> On Behalf Of Richard 

Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 10:43 AM

To: viphone@googlegroups.com

Subject: RE: Password manager



Does Keepass support two factor authentication?


I did a web search on Windows and found a link that announced version 2.45 was 
released and when I followed the download link which is through source forge, 
it was version 2.51…


I have not used a password manager but keep passwords in a password protected 
excel spreadsheet.  I’m getting tired of having to open it up when I need one 
of my more obscure   passwords.


Can you direct me to a primer for dummies on how to use this or any other 
password manager?







My web site; https://www.turner42.com/  

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