I have ran keypads before, and have never found a problem  with it. 

> On May 31, 2022, at 14:31, Alan Lemly <wale...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> As Chris said in his message, I don’t believe KeePass supports 2-factor 
> authentication. I’ve never had an issue with it being compromised and even 
> though I would not use it on Dropbox for a long time, I finally decided it 
> was safe after using my iPhone more and more and needing a way to sync 
> between my computer and my iPhone where my passwords were concerned. 
> I wrote a tutorial on KeePass a couple of years ago and I think you might 
> still find some useful information in it. I’m still running the same version 
> of KeePass discussed in the tutorial on my Windows 10 computer. I’ll paste 
> the tutorial following my signature. Let me know if you have any other 
> questions.
> Alan
> I'm writing a tutorial on how to use the basic features of the KeePass 
> program to manage your passwords with your computer. I'm running Windows 7 
> with Fusion 2019 and using KeePass version 2.44, the most recent downloadable 
> version, for purposes of this discussion. I will include navigable headings 
> where appropriate and since I'm sending this post in html format, these 
> headings should be maintained. This document was completed on February 15, 
> 2020.
> Introduction
> KeePass is an open source program available for free for maintaining a user's 
> passwords. This discussion will be about running KeePass on a Windows 
> computer but my understanding is that it will also run on Linux and Mac OS X. 
>  Note the spelling of the program which appears to be a combination of the 
> words keep and an abbreviation of password and don't make the mistake I did 
> thinking it's spelled like a key to unlock something. KeePass is basically a 
> small database management system where the underlying records are your 
> passwords. A database is really just a table or spreadsheet of information 
> where each row represents a record and each column represents a field of data 
> for that record. For password records, the main fields in KeePass are Title, 
> User Name, and Password where Title is the item with the password such as NLS 
> BARD account. Be aware that KeePass has two main versions and various build 
> iterations of each, version 1.x and version 2.x. I recommend you use version 
> 2.x as I believe it contains more accessibility and this discussion will be 
> about it.
> KeePass Website
> The main KeePass website can be found here:
> https://keepass.info/ <https://keepass.info/>
> The site contains a lot of helpful information and I'd recommend you explore 
> it to gather what you need. I'd suggest you start by pressing Insert + F7 to 
> generate a list of links and arrow through them to find your interests most 
> quickly. You can go to the Downloads link from this list or use the following 
> link to download the KeePass program:
> https://keepass.info/download.html <https://keepass.info/download.html>
> KeePass has both fully installable and portable versions. As you arrow 
> through the available downloads, you can pick whether you want the  installer 
> which will be an exe file or the Portable version which will be a zip file. 
> As you know, Portable versions don't add anything to your registry and can be 
> copied to a flash drive for portability after being unzipped.
> Running KeePass the first time
> I installed the fully installable version of KeePass a few years back when I 
> started using it and I have no intention of uninstalling it for purposes of 
> this overview. Be aware of that so if you experience something different from 
> my explanation, the reason might relate to this. I will attempt to mirror a 
> new installation by creating a new KeePass database file  that will hopefully 
> yield similar results to those who are installing it for the first time. 
> When I pressed Ctrl + n to create an new KeePass database file, I was 
> prompted to save it with the name Database.kdbx in the same folder of my 
> existing KeePass database. First time users of the program will probably get 
> different results but I'd recommend that if you're a Dropbox user, that you 
> save your KeePass database kdbx file in your Dropbox folder. This will make 
> syncing it with a mobile device discussed later much easier. You  should make 
> note of this file name in order to make it easier to find in the future. 
> After providing the database filename and location, you are in a dialog box 
> to create your composite master key which is your master password to access 
> your KeePass database. Choose a password that isn't easily cracked but that 
> you can easily remember. This will be the only password you have to remember 
> going forward because all the others will be housed in KeePass to recall as 
> needed. Type in your master password and tab once where you'll land on a 
> checkbox that is checked to hide the password value using asterisks.  Tab 
> again to reenter your master password. Tab once which takes you to a Show 
> expert options checkbox which you should leave unchecked. Tab again which 
> takes you to a Help button which you can tab past to the ok button which you 
> should execute. You will be taken to a create new password database dialog 
> box which is multi tabbed with tabs for General, Security, Compression, 
> Recycle Bin, and Advanced. Each of these tabs contain settings for the 
> password  database but accept for the General tab discussed below, the 
> defaults are fine and can be ignored. You will be located on the General tab 
> when you first enter this dialog in the database name text box. I would 
> recommend leaving this text box blank and referring to your KeePass database 
> by its filename previously assigned.  Tab again and you'll be taken to a 
> database description text box that you can also leave blank.  In my opinion, 
> these last two items are for those who have more than one KeePass database 
> file which I strongly discourage for purposes of this discussion. Tab again 
> and you'll move to the default user name for new entries text box. This will 
> be the assigned user name whenever you create a new entry in your KeePass 
> database and I'd suggest typing your email address here. My experience has 
> been that an email address is most commonly the user name for an account and 
> this saves a step when creating a new password entry. Tab again and you'll 
> move to the custom database color checkbox which you can leave unchecked.  
> Tab until you hear ok and press enter. You are then prompted if you'd like to 
> print a KeePass emergency sheet which will contain all the information needed 
> to open your database. If desired, this should be printed and saved in a safe 
> place or you can skip this step. 
> Adding entries to your new database
> Adding a group
> KeePass uses groups to categorize entries into its passwords database. Think 
> of groups like folders in Outlook or like subfolders on a Windows computer 
> for purposes of providing an organization structure to your files. Use of 
> KeePass groups will make it much easier to access your passwords when you 
> have hundreds of entries as I do. Also, the program developer has said 
> putting all entries in one group will cause the program to work less 
> efficiently when entries become numerous. The default groups KeePass contains 
> when first launched are General, Windows, Network, Internet, Email, and 
> Homebanking. These are shown on the left side of the KeePass screen indented 
> below   the database name to which they belong. In this discussion, remember 
> that I named my KeePass kdbx file Database so the default groups just listed 
> are shown below Database in my program. You can arrow up and down through 
> these groups to pick the appropriate one to house your new password entry. If 
> you do not want to use any of the default groups, arrow up to your database 
> name, press shift + F10 to open a context menu, arrow down to Add group, and 
> press enter. You will be placed in an add group dialog where you can type the 
> group name desired, tab to pick an icon which you can ignore, tab to an 
> expires checkbox which I recommend you leave unchecked,  and tab until you 
> hear ok and press enter. I suggest you leave the expires checkbox and date 
> unchecked because I don't think you want your password groups to expire. 
> Focus will be on the group you just created. You can have subgroups below 
> groups so make sure focus is on the database name when creating a new group 
> so you won't end up with numerous group levels unless that is what you 
> prefer. My preference is to have only one level of groups so I'm clear where 
> I am when arrowing up and down a sorted list. Be aware that groups are not 
> automatically sorted.  For this discussion, I added a new group named Finance 
> which was placed as the last group in the group even though it's not the last 
> alphabetically. To change the order of your groups, tab or shift + tab until 
> you hear tree view and arrow up until focus is on your database name, 
> Database in this example. Press shift + F10 to open the context menu, arrow 
> down to Rearrange submenu and right arrow to open the submenu and down arrow 
> to Sort direct subgroups and press enter. All the subgroups in your database 
> will now be sorted alphabetically.
> Adding a new password
> You can add an new password entry to your KeePass database by pressing ctrl + 
> i. Remember, whichever group has focus when you press this hotkey will 
> contain the new entry. You can arrow up and down your groups to ensure the 
> desired one has focus. This is important because KeePass does not provide a 
> group entry field when adding a new record since it's automatically assigned 
> based on the group with focus. For this example, I'm creating a new password 
> in my Finance group. When pressing ctrl + I, a multi-tabbed dialog opens with 
> the Entry tab containing focus and the Title text box containing the cursor. 
> Type the title best suited for you to find this entry later. For this 
> example, I'm using Bank online account. Tab once and you're prompted to pick 
> an icon which you can ignore, tab again and you'll be in the user name text 
> box which should already be populated with your email address. Use that email 
> address if appropriate or type in a new user name and tab. A default password 
> will be shown as asterisks and highlighted. You should type in the password 
> you desire for this entry. Tab once where you'll land on a hide field using 
> asterisks checkbox which is checked and which you can tab past.  You will 
> then be on the repeat password text box where the original default asterisked 
> password is highlighted and must be retyped with your new password which 
> matches the one previously entered. Tab once and you'll be on a generate a 
> password button which you can use if you don't wish to use your own password. 
> If you execute this generate a password button which I don't recommend, a 
> context menu of choices will open that you can arrow through to select the 
> desired option. Since I don't recommend using this, I'm not covering those 
> options. Tab again and you'll be in a URL text box where you can enter the 
> web URL associated with this account if desired. Tab again and you'll be in a 
> Notes text box where you can store any notes related to this entry. Tab again 
> and you'll be on an Expires checkbox which I don't recommend using. If you do 
> check it, tab again and enter the desired date of expiration. Tab again and 
> you'll be on a button to select one of the standard expire times. Tab again 
> to ok and press enter to complete the entry. You will be on a two vertical 
> pane screen not unlike a Windows Explorer screen where folders are listed on 
> the left side and the files they contain are listed on the right side. In 
> this case, your KeePass groups are listed on the left and the entries in the 
> group with focus is listed on the right. The entry you just created contains 
> focus. If you shift tab, Fusion announces tree view and moves focus to the 
> password's host group, Finance in this example, and the group name will be 
> spoken. Tab back and list view will be spoken and the name of the entry with 
> focus with some of its details will be spoken. Pressing enter while n the 
> passwords list view will open an edit box for the entry with focus. The Entry 
> tab previously discussed will contain focus. While the Entry tab contains 
> most of what you need to manage password entries, i.e., titles, user names, 
> and passwords, I'm going to discuss one other tab in this multi-tabbed  entry 
> edit dialog. Press ctrl + tab to move to the Advanced tab. When you tab once, 
> you'll be placed in a string fields list. String fields are great for 
> creating your own custom fields. For example, in my Bank online account 
> entry, I want to track the account's fed routing number and the account 
> number so I  will set up two custom string fields to do so. Tab once out of 
> string fields list box and you'll be on an add button where you press enter.  
> You will land in a name text box where edit is spoken. Type the name for this 
> custom field and for my example, I'll type FedRoute. If you've previously set 
> up string fields for this database, a list of previous field names will be 
> presented when you start typing characters. This doesn't apply here so I'll 
> tab once after entering the name and be placed in the value text box. A fed 
> routing code is a 9-digit number so I'll type in 123456789 for purposes of 
> this example. Tab once where you'll land on an enable in memory protection 
> checkbox which you can ignore. Tab again to the ok button and press enter. 
> Focus should again be on the Add button which I will execute in order to add 
> another custom string field. I'm back in the Name text box for this custom 
> string field where I'll type AcctNum. I'll tab once to the value text box and 
> type 456789. I'll tab to the ok button and press enter to complete the 
> addition of this second custom string field and its value. I'll then tab to 
> the ok button and press enter to complete the entry of this custom string 
> field. Focus moves to a File attachments list view which is blank because I 
> have none. Tab once to move to an Attach button if you'd like to attach a 
> file to this entry. Tab again to the Ok button and press enter to complete 
> the edit of this password entry. Focus returns to the list view with the last 
> edited entry containing focus.
> Exiting the database
> More than one way exists to exit your KeePass database. I like to leave mine 
> running to make access easier and I'll discuss the settings to control this 
> later. For now, press alt + spacebar and arrow down to minimize and press 
> enter. You will be placed on an option to save database changes before 
> locking the workspace since we've just modified our database. Press enter to 
> save it. KeePass remembers which group contained focus when the database was 
> last saved and that group will have focus the next time you open KeePass. 
> KeePass options
> KeePass has a number of option settings that can be accessed from the Tools, 
> Options menu. I mainly use the default settings but will describe a couple of 
> suggested settings that I use. With KeePass open, press the alt key to 
> activate the topline menu and right arrow to Tools. When Tools is spoken, 
> down arrow once to open the Tools submenu and up arrow once to land on 
> Options and press enter. A multi-tabbed Options dialog will open with tabs 
> for Security, Policy, Interface, Integration, and Advanced. Security has 
> focus and I'm going to turn off one of its default settings. Tab once and 
> Lock workspace after KeePass inactivity will be spoken which means you are in 
> the list of Security options which you can down arrow through. I then down 
> arrow to the Use 'Clipboard Viewer Ignore' clipboard format checkbox which I 
> make sure is unchecked.  I'm the only person using my computer and I use a 
> clipboard manager program named Ditto which allows me to browse previous 
> items copied to my clipboard. I find this especially helpful for browsing 
> items copied from my KeePass database but if this option is left checked, 
> KeePass won't allow Ditto to do this. You may be happy with the default 
> setting not to allow this which is a more secure setting. Next, press ctrl + 
> tab to move to the Integration tab.  Tab once and you'll be in a system wide 
> hotkeys section in the global auto-type text box which I don't use. Tab again 
> and you're on the Global auto-type - password only  text box which I have set 
> to none. Tab again and you're on the  Auto-type selected entry which I have 
> set to none. Tab once more and you're in the Show KeePass window hotkey box. 
> I have this set to ctrl + alt + shift + k so that when I press this 
> combination, a KeePass window will open prompting me for my master password. 
> KeePass always remembers the last kdbx file on exiting the program. While 
> this hotkey text box has focus, press the key combination you want to set 
> here. Continue to tab until you hear Run KeePass at Windows startup checkbox 
> and make sure it is checked. I think it is a good idea to have KeePass 
> running at all times to make accessing your stored passwords easier when 
> using your computer. Tab until you hear ok and press enter to complete 
> setting your options. 
> Opening KeePass
> How you open KeePass could vary depending on your option settings. I have 
> KeePass set to run automatically at Windows startup so I'm presented with a 
> KeePass login window at system start where I provide my password. I have my 
> options set to lock KeePass whenever I minimize it so that the master 
> password is required in order to review the passwords in its database.  I can 
> open a new KeePass window by pressing ctrl + alt + shift + k which I 
> described earlier in the options section. To open KeePass, you might need to 
> execute a desktop icon on your system depending on how you installed KeePass 
> and your option settings.
> When you open KeePass, you should be asked for your master password. After 
> that is typed and accepted, your database will open and focus will be in a 
> search box where you can type the title keyword to locate an existing entry. 
> After typing the search term and pressing enter, the list of entries matching 
> will be presented in the list view. You can tab once to access the tree view 
> of groups and tab again to reach the list view of entries which match. You 
> can then arrow up and down the list until you find the one you want.
> Accessing the passwords in the list view
> When focus is on the password entry you want, you can press ctrl + c to copy 
> its password to the clipboard.  You can easily paste it to another computer 
> program or website by pressing ctrl + v when on a text box seeking a 
> password. Also, when focus is on an entry in the KeePass list view, you can 
> press ctrl + b to copy that entry's user name to the clipboard. Finally, you 
> can press shift + F10 on the entry with focus and a context menu will open 
> which you can arrow up and down through to select an item of choice. If you 
> set up custom string fields for this entry, one of the context menu choices 
> is the copy field submenu and when you right arrow on it, you will be 
> provided a list of the custom string fields set up and pressing enter on the 
> custom field name will copy its value to the clipboard. This is very handy 
> especially if you use a clipboard manager such as Ditto that allows you to 
> peruse your clipboard entries for selection and pasting.
> KeePass on your mobile device
> With the explosion of mobile devices for accessing content, having access to 
> your KeePass database on such devices is critical. This discussion will focus 
> on iOS since I use an iPhone but the main issue for both iOS and Android is 
> that you will have to know the name of your KeePass kdbx file on your 
> computer and make it available to your mobile device whether you are running 
> iOS or Android. This is why I recommended earlier that you save your KeePass 
> kdbx file in a Dropbox folder on your computer which makes it much easier to 
> share with a mobile device.
> iOS
> I have used two different iOS apps for accessing my KeePass database on my 
> iPhone. The first was Mini KeePass which unfortunately  is no longer 
> available and the second is KeePass Touch which is free with ads or is 99 
> cents without ads. KeePass Touch is much better in my opinion because it can 
> be synced with the same kdbx database used by your computer using Dropbox. 
> With KeePass Touch, when you sign into the app after turning on Touch ID, you 
> have access to all your passwords without providing the master password 
> manually. When you navigate to your password field, you can double tap on the 
> screen to copy it to the clipboard for easy pasting to another app. KeePass 
> Touch also has a search feature at the top of its main screen for locating 
> specific entries by keyword.  iOS has other apps that work with KeePass 
> databases but I'm unfamiliar with their accessibility or cost. I suggest you 
> search the App Store for KeePass and see what comes up if KeePass Touch 
> doesn't interest you.
> Android
> I have only very limited experience with Android but I did install the 
> KeePass Droid app which was free on a Moto X4 phone. I did nothing more than 
> install the app so can't offer any instructions on its use.
> Dropbox download link for this overview
> For those wishing to download this overview to your device in docx format, 
> you can use the following Dropbox link:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwanviq8gedogsp/KeePass%20Tutorial.docx?dl=1 
> <https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwanviq8gedogsp/KeePass%20Tutorial.docx?dl=1>
> Alan Lemly
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com> 
> <viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of 
> Richard Turner
> Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2022 10:43 AM
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com <mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: RE: Password manager
> Alan,
> Does Keepass support two factor authentication?
> I did a web search on Windows and found a link that announced version 2.45 
> was released and when I followed the download link which is through source 
> forge, it was version 2.51…
> I have not used a password manager but keep passwords in a password protected 
> excel spreadsheet.  I’m getting tired of having to open it up when I need one 
> of my more obscure   passwords.
> Can you direct me to a primer for dummies on how to use this or any other 
> password manager?
> Richard
> My web site; https://www.turner42.com/ <https://www.turner42.com/>  
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