On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 14:32 +0000, Ted Lemon wrote:
> > If we exclude WG adoption of drafts, how many decisions are taken (to
> > be confirmed on the list) in a meeting?
> > DHC       2
> > The metrics used do not paint a true picture of the sessions.
> In the case of DHC at least, the metrics are pretty accurate.   There
>  was barely time in the wg meeting to actually have any meaningful
>  discussion about anything, so each presentation wound up being "sales
>  pitch, a few comments, chair interrupts for time, next steps, next
>  presentation."   It wasn't really a good use of f2f meeting time, and
>  I'd like to do it differently at the next IETF, but I don't really
>  know how, because there weren't a lot of presentations that the
>  working group shouldn't have heard, and we got one of the nice like
>  2.5h time slots.

Maybe you're not being conservative enough about what is a presentation
the working group should hear.  I generally try to avoid "presentations"
at all, reserving meeting time for things that actually require
face-to-face time in order to get work done and move things forward.  I
regularly turn down requests for meeting time to present some new work
or proposed work to the WG that hasn't been discussed on the meeting

We still don't take a lot of decisions in any one meeting, but the ones
we do are often things for which discussion took a fair amount of time.

I don't claim to follow this principle perfectly, but it is something I
try to do, because I hate sitting in a meeting with a full agenda and
not getting work done because someone is droning on about something we
could have learned by reading a draft or having a discussion on the
mailing list.

-- Jeff

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