Hi John,
At 15:14 30-03-2012, John C Klensin wrote:
Just so we understand what we are talking about, that means all
eight tracks, plus the plenaries?  My recollection of how much


skilled transcribers can do at a time combined with the length
of our day, is that would mean at least 10 and probably 12-15,
transcription people.  Is that roughly what the figure you give
is based on?  And does it include airfare and hotels for those
people (noting that they would, e.g., outnumber Secretariat
staff for the duration of a meeting.

No, I meant doing the transcription remotely to avoid the expenses of airfare and hotels. Skilled transcribers are more expensive. BTW, I looked up the figures over a year ago.

It does if people who are in the room want to see the
transcript.  Experience at multiple IETF plenaries and several
other organizations (including ICANN) indicates that they
usually do.  The other advantage of transcripts is that they can
be used by folks who don't hear well.  If they are in the room,
that certainly requires an extra screen, at least unless you
expect that population to all bring laptops and spend their time
hunched over them.

The screen may not be as visible from the back of the room. If people in the room want to see the transcript, they bring their laptop. If you can follow the conversation, you don't need the transcript. The service could be optional; it's up to the session chair to make the call.

I don't think so.  For non-native speakers of whatever language
the speakers are speaking, ability to review slides in advance
is a big help.


If the speaker doesn't speak English really clearly, or speaks
it very quickly, or both, the quality of transcription can
easily fall below the level needed to make the above advantages
real.  In that case, the problem is not just speaker names and
technical words

Yes. If the quality of transcription falls below an acceptable level, the question that arise is whether the people in the room have understood what they heard. But let's not go there as we'll end up trying to solve a lot of problems.

After reading http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/oauth/current/msg08692.html my opinion is that having a transcription might help in such cases.

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