Stewart Bryant <> wrote:
> I attended remotely, connecting into a (one) session on pretty
> well every slot. I had one persistent technical problem:
> I was using W10 + Chrome Version 49.0.2623.110 m (64-bit)
> and found that for every session I had to connect, then disconnect
> then reconnect to get the slides.

   I had the same problem on MacOS 10.10.5 and Chrome 49.0.2623.110:
almost without fail _something_ would freeze during the session.

   I tried Opera with an older version, and it seemed better until
Opera decided to update itself (without me asking, of course).

   It got decidedly worse as the week wore on; so I suspect a memory
problem; but for all I know, that may have been in the cable modem,
not the computer. (Usually, I use DSL for connectivity, and haven't
seen this kind of problem.)

   Clearly, being able to restart a substream will really help.

   Also, a couple of times Meetecho folks gave me a slides-only link
which worked well for the remainder of the session.

   By the end of the week, I was usually selecting the HTML5 audio,
and it lasted through the session. (I have many years' experience
without the slides cycling in real-time, so it no longer bothered me
to lose the slides.)

   Serious debugging _during_ IETF-week really doesn't make sense;
but we ought to do it sometime...

John Leslie <>

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