Hello Dan,

I hope I can add some more bits to this discussion. 
I was remote this time and I seized this as an opportunity to live the Meetecho 
experience  from the other side for once! 
I have been attending a bunch of sessions, both from my university office and 
from home (overnight sessions in Italy due to the 5-hours time shift). At the 
university I have a high-bandwidth connection, which allowed me to easily open 
up to 8 Meetecho virtual rooms in parallel with no issue. At home I connect 
through WiFi to my home gateway, from which I have an ADSL (Asymmetric DSL, 
which means I have around 4 Mbit/sec downlink and less than 1 Mbit/sec uplink 
to the Internet backbone). Such a link allowed me to reliably attend at most a 
couple of parallel sessions. With more than that, I could experience hiccups 
from time to time, which is as expected, given the fact that each session 
involves two video streams (each of which accounts for about 400 Kbit/sec on 
average), plus an audio stream (let’s say about 150 Kbit/sec or so). In case of 
remote presentations, each remotee obviously adds one further video stream to 
the pack. If you add to that the lower- bandwidth Meetecho traffic (chat, 
client-server polling and the like), plus some background traffic not generated 
by Meetecho, you easily arrive at (or close to) saturation. I can also confirm 
that the  internal WiFi connection to the ADSL router concurs in reducing the 
reliability level of real-time streaming (which by the way occurs to me also 
when I watch a Netflix movie with my family). A wired connection to the router 
definitely makes the life of a real-time session much easier.
All in all, I can confirm that attending a single session can be considered, 
from my personal experience, close to 100% reliable in the above described 

As a final remark, I would like to highlight the fact that the connection from 
BA to Italy was showing a really weird behavior in terms of network performance 
as a function of the time of the day. And this is something I have not been 
able to fully understand (even though I teach an Advanced Computer Networks 
class since 1998 ;-) ). I am still investigating this, by looking at things 
like BGP route flapping, time-dependent traffic shaping policies — at the 
firewall level — on the Italian Research backbone and/or at the ingress router 
of my University campus network, etc.. 

To give you an idea of what I am talking about, I’ll provide you with some side 

- we record all Meetecho sessions on-site (i.e., this time, in BA);
- at the end of each slot (lunch break and end of the day) we transfer, via scp 
(secure copy command) all recorded files to a backend server hosted in Italy;
- the lunch-time transfers happened at an average speed of more than 4MB/sec;
- evening (in BA, which means night time in Italy) transfers happened at less 
than 50KB/sec, which is astonishingly less than the other figure above;
- a basic “ping” from BA to Italy resulted in around 300 msec estimated 
round-trip time during day and more than 500 msec at nights.

Now, coming to one of your comments:

> I wonder if there was an increase in usage during the week, either of 
> Meetecho or also of the IETF network.  We may be able to find out from the 
> Meetecho or NOC team.

As far as Meetecho is concerned, the load has been quite stable over the week. 
Monday has, by the way, represented a peak for what concerns remote 
presentations (more than 25 of them, if I recall correctly).

Hope this helps,


                                                              ( O-O )
                                                Simon Pietro Romano
                                         Universita' di Napoli Federico II
                                     Computer Engineering Department 
                     Phone: +39 081 7683823 -- Fax: +39 081 7683816
                                           e-mail: sprom...@unina.it

                    <<Molti mi dicono che lo scoraggiamento è l'alibi degli 
                    idioti. Ci rifletto un istante; e mi scoraggio>>. Magritte.
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(   )~~~ Oooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                                                         \ (            (   )
                                                          \_)          ) /

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