Wow, thanks for all the responses guys.

In explanation of why solutions like this aren't suitable, they only deal with a single case of me personally having access.

The testing system I'm creating is intended to allow the testing of Perl modules on every platform from a single whitebox PC available for under $500.

So by having some open source operating system running in an image on an open source or otherwise easy to license emulator, I can include system images in the 10-20gigabyte standard collection of system images.

On installing the test system, you bittorrent the whatever gigabytes (or order a DVD set or some such) and then can test across everything.

So thus ordinary linux/mac-resident developers can test their packages against BSD or Linux or Darwin, other hardware architectures, VMS etc etc, and see why things are failing/

(there's other solutions in the works for the commercially licensed windows stuff, but I'd like to keep the number of things requiring either dedicated hardware, authentication, or non-free-and-redistributable licenses to an absolute minimum.

Hence the attempt at the purest emulation approach.

I'll be checking out the various emulators mentioned over the coming weeks.


Adam K

Craig A. Berry wrote:
At 5:31 PM +1100 3/7/06, Adam Kennedy wrote:
I know I asked a more-specific question before, but to rephrase it...

Is there ANY way to virtualise or emulate a VMS system on something other than 
a VMS system?

Preferably if at all something I can run on an open source X86 operating system.

Speed is not an issue. I don't care how slow it might be.

I want to add VMS to my new testing cluster, but I'd need SOME way of emulating 

As an alternative to processor emulation, you can also get an account on the HP 
testdrive cluster:

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