At 8:54 AM -0400 8/28/06, Chuck Aaron wrote:
>Would you have a minute to advise me as to how to fix this problem
>below? It occurred after upgrading from openvms 7.3-2 to openvms 8.2.

It looks more like a problem with your web server set-up than with
Perl.  Why not simply look to see where miniperl.exe is located (if
indeed it's on your system), and then see if that's where the
WWW_SYSTEM logical points?  You didn't, by chance, change disk names
during the upgrade?

> >      Connect request received at 23-AUG-2006 14:51:49.36
>>             from remote process DIAMND::"0=HTTPD"
>>             for object "WWWEXEC"
>>         --------------------------------------------------------
>> Unoptimized perl...
>> (CGI_ENV)
>>   "CONTENT_LENGTH" = "152"
>>   "CONTENT_TYPE" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
>>   "HTTP_ACCEPT" = "*/*"
>>   "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" = "gzip, deflate"
>>   "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" = "en-us"
>>   "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" = "Basic cHh6YTAwMzpleGNoaWphcw=="
>>   "HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL" = "no-cache"
>>   "HTTP_CONNECTION" = "Keep-Alive"
>>   "HTTP_HOST" = ""
> >   "HTTP_REFERER" = 
> > "";
>>   "HTTP_USER_AGENT" = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; 
>> SV1; InfoPath.1)"
>>   "PATH_TRANSLATED" = "/HTBIN/*/HTBIN/*www_xroot:[bin]"
>>   "REMOTE_ADDR" = ""
>>   "REMOTE_HOST" = ""
>>   "REMOTE_PORT" = "3193"
>>   "REMOTE_USER" = "PXZA003"
>>   "SCRIPT_PATH" = "/HTBIN/"
>>   "SERVER_NAME" = ""
>>   "SERVER_PORT" = "80"
>>   "SERVER_SOFTWARE" = "OSU/3.10a;UCX"
>> %DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image WWW_SYSTEM:MINIPERL
>> -CLI-E-IMAGEFNF, image file not found DKC200:[HTTPD.][SYSTEM]MINIPERL.EXE;
>> CPU Ticks: 0  Buffered I/O: 91, Direct I/O: 18

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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