Alan & Craig,

Thank you for your continued help. The command produces:

CHUCK> show log perl_root


Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing wrote:
Craig Berry quoted Chuck Aaron:

Don't forget to hit reply-to-all, as replying directly to me severely
limits the possibility you will get help in a reasonable time frame,
or, in this case, reliable help at all.

The disk names were not changed during the upgrade and the web server is 
running fine and working correctly apart from PERL. I looked on this server for 
miniperl.exe and it is no where to be found. What would you suggest? Should I 
delete PERL and try to re-install it? I have CSWS installed, along with 
CSWS_Perl also. I noticed in the doc that the new 5.8 will not work without 
them. I run the OSU Web Server not Apache.

I know nothing about OSU and can only speculate about what might be
wrong, but I see in Alan Winston's book, "OpenVMS with Apache, OSU,
and WASD," p. 309, , that OSU, "looks for webperl, then looks for
perl, then looks for miniperl...."  If you don't have Alan's book,
you shouldn't be running a VMS-based web server, or, to state it more
positively, anyone running a VMS-based web server should have Alan's

Shucks.  If I ever manage to find the time to write the 2nd edition, can I ues
that quote?

So the fact that it can't find miniperl means it also failed to find
webperl and perl, one of which is probably what it really wants.
Look for those files and check all the related symbols and logicals
and read your OSU documentation for webperl set-up.  Also consider
posting to the OSU mailing list.  I have a vague suspicion that you
have to build your own Perl to use with OSU and can't just use the
HP-supplied kit directly via SWS_PERL.

I don't think that's mandatory.  OSU doesn't necessarily have any carnal
knowledge of PERL internals, or vice versa.  (You can compile up a
"webperl.exe" that uses PERLSHR and is supposed to be optimized for CGI-ation,
but I never bothered with that; you might care on a slow VAX.  Otherwise the
DECnet task object uses vanilla PERL and puts a note in the log about
"unoptimized PERL".  I'd expect SWS_PERL to work provided WWWEXEC.COM can find
it; that means PERL_ROOT needs to be defined globally, or maybe in the

Absent finding PERL_ROOT, it tries for miniperl.

My offhand guess would be that Chuck had PERL_ROOT defined globally but the
definition  didn't make it into his automated startup, and the reboot
necessitated by the VMS upgrade wiped out the definition.



and let us know what you find.

-- Alan



Craig A. Berry wrote:

At 8:54 AM -0400 8/28/06, Chuck Aaron wrote:


Would you have a minute to advise me as to how to fix this problem
below? It occurred after upgrading from openvms 7.3-2 to openvms 8.2.

It looks more like a problem with your web server set-up than with
Perl.  Why not simply look to see where miniperl.exe is located (if
indeed it's on your system), and then see if that's where the
WWW_SYSTEM logical points?  You didn't, by chance, change disk names
during the upgrade?

  Connect request received at 23-AUG-2006 14:51:49.36
         from remote process DIAMND::"0=HTTPD"
         for object "WWWEXEC"


Unoptimized perl...


"CONTENT_TYPE" = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
"HTTP_ACCEPT" = "*/*"
"HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" = "gzip, deflate"
"HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" = "Basic cHh6YTAwMzpleGNoaWphcw=="
"HTTP_CACHE_CONTROL" = "no-cache"
"HTTP_CONNECTION" = "Keep-Alive"
"HTTP_HOST" = ""
"HTTP_USER_AGENT" = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; 
"PATH_TRANSLATED" = "/HTBIN/*/HTBIN/*www_xroot:[bin]"
"REMOTE_PORT" = "3193"
"SERVER_PORT" = "80"
%DCL-W-ACTIMAGE, error activating image WWW_SYSTEM:MINIPERL
-CLI-E-IMAGEFNF, image file not found DKC200:[HTTPD.][SYSTEM]MINIPERL.EXE;
CPU Ticks: 0  Buffered I/O: 91, Direct I/O: 18

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
difficult than getting in."
                Brad Leithauser

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