At 5:48 PM -0700 8/29/06, Alan Winston - SSRL Central Computing wrote:
>Craig Berry quoted Chuck Aaron:
>> I know nothing about OSU and can only speculate about what might be
>> wrong, but I see in Alan Winston's book, "OpenVMS with Apache, OSU,
>> and WASD," p. 309, , that OSU, "looks for webperl, then looks for
>> perl, then looks for miniperl...."  If you don't have Alan's book,
>> you shouldn't be running a VMS-based web server, or, to state it more
>> positively, anyone running a VMS-based web server should have Alan's
>> book.
>Shucks.  If I ever manage to find the time to write the 2nd edition, can I ues
>that quote?

Well, the back cover already looks pretty well sprinkled with
authoritative endorsements, but sure, go ahead.  What was impressive
to me was that in 30 seconds with the index I found out enough about
how OSU searches for a Perl to run to realize that the unsuccessful
search for miniperl was really a last chance attempt to find
something and not what it really wanted.

If you do update the book, note that it was Charles Lane, not
Charles Bailey, who developed CRINOID (p. 366).  The correct
attribution appears on p. 343.
Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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