Craig A. Berry wrote:
> At 1:53 PM -0700 10/18/06, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> I have Audrey Tang staying at my place this week starting tonite.
>> This means we have a chance of fixing the VMS issues in her modules.
>> Please post here the issues you're having with her modules and I'll
>> see what I can do about getting them fixed this week while I've got
>> her.
> Um, well, it looks like she's got about a hundred modules:

A lot of them have been handed off.  She hasn't gotten around to deleting her 
old versions.

> So unless you're a *really* good cook and can persuade her to stay
> longer (like a year), we may have to focus our efforts.  I've
> downloaded the following and will try building them all with blead
> and see what happens:
> Module-Install-0.64.tar.gz
> PAR-0.956.tar.gz
> ExtUtils-AutoInstall-0.63.tar.gz

Yeah, I guess I should have specified "modules which are in the critical path".

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