At 3:49 PM +0100 3/8/07, Vorländer, Martin wrote:
>Hi folks!
>I'm trying to install GD 2.35 under HP's Perl 5.8.6, running
>under OpenVMS ALpha V7.3-2 .
>I have built all the libraries I need (zlib 1.2.3, libpng 1.2.16,
>libjpeg 6B, gd 2.0.34), and after some Makefile.PL tweaking, the
>MMK run completes without complaints (see log below).
>BUT: The resulting PL_GD.EXE shareable does not export any
>universal symbols except BOOT_GD ?!

How universal do they need to be?  I don't think the Perl extension
building process expects anything outside the extension to call into
it, so I think what you're seeing is normal.

I just ran

$ search [.ext...]*.opt symbol_vector

on a recently built source directory, and none of the core extensions
exports anything except the boot symbol.

>I *think* I traced it to Makefile.PL not properly setting
>the DL_FUNCS option to WriteMakefile, but if I try to correct
>that manually, the resulting MMK action line is too long to
>be executed.

I'm surprised you ran into command-line length problems on 7.3-2 as I
thought that was where the buffers got a big boost.  But I'm puzzled
about what the real problem is.  As you say, MMK ran to completion
without any serious errors, so what exactly is the problem?  If you
were hoping to build a combined shareable image that combines a
number of different libraries, then that may involve some real work
as Perl extensions don't usually export everything that they import.

>  Martin
>--- cut here ---
>$ perl Makefile.PL
>NOTICE: This module requires libgd 2.0.28 or higher.
>        If you are using Math::Trig 1.01 or lower, it has a bug that
>        causes a "prerequisite not found" warning to be issued.  You may
>        safely ignore this warning.
>        Type perl Makefile.PL -h for command-line option summary
>Included Features:          JPEG,PNG,GIF,ANIMGIF
>GD library used from:       /libgd_dir
>PNG library used from:      /libpng_dir
>JPEG library used from:      /libjpeg_dir
>Zlib library used from:     /zlib_dir
>This is a build on OpenVMS. In case of problems with the build
>do not bother Lincoln Stein but get in touch with
>Martin P.J. Zinser ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>If you experience compile problems, please check the @INC, @LIBPATH and @LIBS
>arrays defined in Makefile.PL and manually adjust, if necessary.
>Checking if your kit is complete...
>Looks good
>Writing Descrip.MMS for GD
>$ mmk
>cp [.gd] []
>cp [.gd] []
>cp [.blib.lib]
>cp [.gd] []
>cp [.gd] []
>cp [.blib.lib]
>AutoSplitting blib/lib/ ([])
>MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e "use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;"  -
>  -e "Mksymlists('NAME' => 'GD', 'DL_FUNCS' => {  }, 'DL_VARS' => [], 
> 'FUNCLIST' => [])"
>MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
>  "print 
> ""[]GD.olb/Include=GD\n[]GD.olb/Library\n"";"
>  >>GD.OPT
>MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
>  "print 
> qq{libgd_dir:libgd.olb/Library\nlibjpeg_dir:libjpeg.olb/Library\nlibpng_dir:libpng.olb/Library\nzlib_dir:libz.olb/Library\nlibjpeg_dir:libjpeg/Library\n}"
>  >>GD.OPT
>MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe -e -
>  "print 
> qq{libpng_dir:libpng/Library\nzlib_dir:libz/Library\nPerlShr/Share\n}" 
> >>GD.OPT
>MCR $1$dga100:[tools.perl5_8_6]perl.exe perl_root:[lib.ExtUtils]xsubpp -
>  -typemap perl_root:[lib.ExtUtils]typemap -typemap typemap GD.xs >GD.C
>Warning: long symbol GD__Image_copyReverseTranspose
>        trimmed to GD_IgoReeTno
>         at perl_root:[lib.extutils]xsubpp line 1126
>Warning: long symbol GD__Image_setAntiAliasedDontBlend
>        trimmed to GD_IgetAiAadDtBnd
>         at perl_root:[lib.extutils]xsubpp line 1126
>/Include=[]/Standard=Relaxed_ANSI/Prefix=All/Obj=.obj/List/Machine/Show=Expan -
>  /NOANSI_ALIAS/float=ieee/ieee=denorm_results -
>  -
> /Include=(perl_root:[lib.VMS_AXP.5_8_6.CORE],DISK$DATA:[TEMP.WEB_NEU.SRC.LIB.GD-2_0_34.include],-
> libgd_dir:,libjpeg_dir:,libpng_dir:,zlib_dir:,lib_root:[libjpeg])/List/Machine/Show=Expan
>   GD.c
>int    snprintf(char *__s, __size_t __n, const char *__format, ...);
>%CC-I-INTRINSICDECL, In this statement, the declaration for intrinsic function 
>"snprintf" referenced
>  at line number 2391 in file 
> DISK$DATA:[TEMP.WEB_NEU.SRC.MODULE.GD-2_35]GD.XS;1, parameter number 2
>  is of type "unsigned int", which is not consistent with the expected type 
> "long".
>  It will be treated as an ordinary external function.
>at line number 773 in module STDIO of text library 
>%CC-I-UNREACH, code can never be executed at label not_there
>at line number 335 in file DISK$DATA:[TEMP.WEB_NEU.SRC.MODULE.GD-2_35]GD.XS;1
>If F$Search("[.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]GD.OLB").eqs."" Then Library/Object/Create 
>Library/Object/Replace [.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]GD.OLB GD.OBJ
>If F$TrnLNm("PerlShr").eqs."" Then Define/NoLog/User PerlShr 
>Link /NoTrace/Map/Full/Cross /Shareable=[.BLIB.ARCH.AUTO.GD]PL_GD.EXE 
>Running mkbootstrap for GD ()
>Copy/NoConfirm []
>Copy/NoConfirm [.bdf_scripts] [.blib.script]
>--- cut here ---

Craig A. Berry

"... getting out of a sonnet is much more
 difficult than getting in."
                 Brad Leithauser

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