On Fri, Aug 24, 2007 at 10:55:25AM -0500, Craig A. Berry wrote:
> As far as whether this should be in the library rather than the test,
> let me explain what's happening and then you tell me.   As I
> understand it, the test is trying to determine if C</disk1/foo/bar>
> is part of C</disk1/foo/bar/baz>.  Except in VMS syntax, that would
> mean trying to determine whether C<disk1:[foo.bar]> is part of
> C<disk1:[foo.bar.baz]>.  Because we have both a directory delimiter
> (dot) and a directory spec terminator (right bracket), we have to
> trim the right bracket from the first one to make it successfully
> match the second one.  Since we're asserting the same truth -- that
> one path spec is the leading part of the other -- it seems to me ok
> to have this in the test only.

Er, shouldn't the test just use File::Spec (or do we not want that
interdependency within the test suite)?

                -=- James Mastros

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